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  • The Willpower Instinct

  • How Self-Control Works, Why It Matters, and What You Can Do to Get More of It
  • De : Kelly McGonigal
  • Lu par : Walter Dixon
  • Durée : 8 h et 20 min
  • 4,9 out of 5 stars (16 notations)

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The Willpower Instinct

De : Kelly McGonigal
Lu par : Walter Dixon
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    Based on Stanford University psychologist Kelly McGonigal's wildly popular course "The Science of Willpower", The Willpower Instinct is the first book to explain the science of self-control and how it can be harnessed to improve our health, happiness, and productivity.

    Informed by the latest research and combining cutting-edge insights from psychology, economics, neuroscience, and medicine, The Willpower Instinct explains exactly what willpower is, how it works, and why it matters. For example, listeners will learn:

    • Willpower is a mind-body response, not a virtue. It is a biological function that can be improved through mindfulness, exercise, nutrition, and sleep.
    • Willpower is not an unlimited resource. Too much self-control can actually be bad for your health.
    • Temptation and stress hijack the brain's systems of self-control, but the brain can be trained for greater willpower
    • Guilt and shame over your setbacks lead to giving in again, but self-forgiveness and self-compassion boost self-control.
    • Giving up control is sometimes the only way to gain self-control.
    • Willpower failures are contagious - you can catch the desire to overspend or overeat from your friends­­ - but you can also catch self-control from the right role models.

    In the groundbreaking tradition of Getting Things Done, The Willpower Instinct combines life-changing prescriptive advice and complementary exercises to help listeners with goals ranging from losing weight to more patient parenting, less procrastination, better health, and greater productivity at work.

    ©2011 Kelly McGonigal (P)2019 Penguin Audio


    "The Willpower Instinct is a new kind of self-help book. Using science to explain the why and strategies for the how, McGonigal has created a must-read for anyone who wants to change how they live in both small and big ways." (Book Page)

    "Each chapter could stand on its own as something helpful, but taken as a whole, this book could be downright life-altering. If you are trying to lose weight, become more successful at work, rid yourself of toxic habits...heck, if you're HUMAN, you need to read this book." (Library Thing)

    “This book has tremendous value for anyone interested in learning how to achieve their goals more effectively. McGonigal clearly breaks down a large body of relevant scientific research and its applications, and shows that awareness of the limits of willpower is crucial to our ability to exercise true self control.” (Jeffrey M. Schwartz, MD, co-author of You Are Not Your Brain and author of best-selling Brain Lock)

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