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Couverture de Team of Teams

Team of Teams

De : General Stanley McChrystal, David Silverman, Tantum Collins, Chris Fussell
Lu par : Paul Michael
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    Penguin presents the unabridged downloadable audiobook edition of Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal, read by Paul Michael.

    What if you could combine the agility, adaptability, and cohesion of a small team with the power and resources of a giant organisation?

    When General Stanley McChrystal took command of the Joint Special Operations Task Force in Iraq in 2003, he quickly realized that conventional military tactics were failing. The allied forces had a huge advantage in numbers, equipment and training - but none of the enemy's speed and flexibility.

    McChrystal and his colleagues discarded a century of conventional wisdom to create a 'team of teams' that combined extremely transparent communication with decentralised decision-making authority. Faster, flatter and more flexible, the task force beat back al-Qaeda.

    In this powerful audiobook, McChrystal and his colleagues show how the challenges they faced in Iraq can be relevant to any leader. Through compelling examples, the authors demonstrate that the 'team of teams' strategy has worked everywhere from hospital emergency rooms to NASA and has the potential to transform organisations large and small.

    ©2016 General Stanley McChrystal. David Silverman. Tantum Collins. Chris Fussell. (P)2016 Penguin Audio


    "A bold argument that leaders can help teams become greater than the sum of their parts." (Charles Duhigg, author of The Power of Habit)
    "An indispensable guide to organisational change." (Walter Isaacson, author of Steve Jobs)

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    • Global
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      4 out of 5 stars

    Very much military !

    I like the book fluidity and new leadership principles. I like the examples that were very much military and the business ones too general.
    I recommend it to whom is able to put into business Context military concepts.

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