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Couverture de The Last Anniversary

The Last Anniversary

De : Liane Moriarty
Lu par : Caroline Lee
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    I'll tell you something, something important. Love is a decision. Not a feeling. That's what you young people don't realise. That's why you're always off divorcing each other. No offence, dear.

    So decrees the formidable Connie Thrum of Scribbly Gum Island. She is the chief decision-maker of a rather unconventional family and her word is law. It's been over 70 years since Connie and her sister Rose visited their neighbours and found the kettle boiling and a baby waking for her feed, but no sign of her parents. The 'Munro Baby Mystery' still hasn't been solved and tourists can visit the abandoned home, exactly as it was found in 1932.

    But now Connie has passed away and the island residents ponder her legacy. Sophie Honeywell is looking down the barrel of her 40th birthday and still hoping for that fairytale ending. Her beautiful new friend Grace, the Munro Baby's grand daughter, can't tell anyone what she hopes for. It would be too shocking.

    Meanwhile, a frumpy housewife makes a pact with a stranger, an old lady starts making her own decisions and a family secret finally explodes on an extraordinary night of mulled wine, fire-eating, and face-painting - The Last Anniversary.

    ©2005 Liane Moriarty 2005 (P)2014 Bolinda Publishing Pty Ltd


    "A stunner... Moriarty's prose turns from funny through poignant to frightening in an artful snap." ( Publishers Weekly)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de The Last Anniversary

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    wonderful characters and great performance

    As always with Moriarty the characters are so well described and interesting. The story is lovely and engaging. Lee's performance is just perfect, could not be better.

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