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Couverture de The Complete Strategy Collection

The Complete Strategy Collection

De : Sun Tzu, Niccolo Machiavelli, Miyamoto Musashi, Carl von Clausewitz, Kautilya Chanakya
Lu par : Michael Bower, Tom Chandler
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    The Complete Strategy Collection, a compilation of ancient and historical philosophies, will increase your knowledge of strategy, conflict, and adversity throughout the ages, giving you valuable insight into the past while opening a window to the future. Although each of the works can be considered a manual or diagram for war or engaging in physical combat, the life skills embodied in each can be adapted to everyday life in modern society.

    • In story one, The Art of War, Sun Tzu defines strategies to overcome your opponent.
    • Story two, The Prince, offers practical solutions to some of life’s most common problems based on moral and ethical values.
    • The Book of Five Rings (story three) applies strategies used in physical encounters to business, relationships, and de-escalation of conflicts.
    • The ideologies of war and military strategy in Story Four, On War, clearly depict how motivations influence outcomes.
    • Arthashastra, the final story, brings the philosophical strategies to the forefront and lays the foundation for current policies, systems, and attitudes.

    As you listen on, you will be enthralled by the complexity of strategies and how useful these strategies are to modern culture, government, and military strategy. You will gain the knowledge to guide you in your everyday activities to help you beat out your opponents, position yourself for success, avoid conflict, and overcome adversity. You will see how these classic writings have been used throughout history by warriors, kings, diplomats, and businessmen to give them opportunities otherwise deemed impossible.

    Listen on, and learn how you, too, can take advantage of the strategies of war.

    Public Domain (P)2022 CSA Publishing

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