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Couverture de Our Martyred Lady

Our Martyred Lady

De : Gav Thorpe
Lu par : Cliff Chapman, Steve Conlin, Andrew Fettes, Matthew Hunt, Toby Longworth, Carla Mendonca, Richard Reed, David Sibley, Ramon Tikaram, Jo Woodcock, Emma Gregory, Catherine Tate
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    A Warhammer 40,000 audio drama boxed set.

    The galaxy has changed. The Imperium is divided, and a primarch has returned - and the Ecclesiarchy, the great Imperial church - is close to civil war. Only Saint Celestine -with the aid of Inquisitor Greyfax - can stand in the way of this disaster.

    Listen to it because

    Two of the biggest heroes of the Dark Imperium - Saint Celestine and Inquisitor Greyfax - join forces to stop one of the most important Imperial organisations from falling into civil war in an epic four-part audio saga starring none other than Catherine Tate!

    The story

    During the turbulent Reign of Blood, a great schism in the Imperial Ecclesiarchy threatened all of Terra and promised a darkness to rival the terrors of Old Night. Fell times have come again to the Imperium, and a War of Faith appears inevitable. Standing in the way of catastrophe is Celestine, the Living Saint and one of the greatest heroes of the age. Only she can reunite the warring factions of the Ecclesiarchy and prevent a second Reign of Blood. Together with the Inquisitor Greyfax, Celestine and her allies must hunt across the shrineworlds of the Imperium and beyond to root out the evil behind the schism and burn it out with righteous, cleansing flame.

    Written by Gav Thorpe.

    Performed by Cliff Chapman, Steve Conlin, Andrew Fettes, Matthew Hunt, Toby Longworth, Carla Mendonca, Richard Reed, David Sibley, Ramon Tikaram and Jo Woodcock, with Emma Gregory as Saint Celestine and Catherine Tate as Inquisitor Greyfax.


    Part 1: Troublesome Priests

    Part 2: Conspiracy Theories

    Part 3: Faith Endures

    Part 4: The Sternest Test

    ©2019 Games Workshop Limited (P)2019 Games Workshop Limited

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