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Couverture de Anticancer


De : David Servan-Schreiber
Lu par : Robert Fass
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    The revolutionary New York Times best seller about powerful lifestyle changes that can fight and prevent cancer - an integrative approach based on the latest research.

    An international phenomenon, Anticancer has been a long-running best seller in the US since Viking first published it in fall 2008. Now, this updated edition draws on the most recent clinical studies and offers more tips on how people living with cancer can fight it and how healthy people can prevent it. The new edition of Anticancer includes: 

    • More benefits of anticancer foods, including new alternatives to sugar and cautions about some that are now on the market 
    • New information about how vitamin D strengthens the immune system 
    • Warnings about common food contaminants that have recently been proven to contribute to cancer progression 
    • A new chapter on mind-body approaches to stress reduction, with recent studies that show how our reactions to stress can interfere with natural defenses and how friendships can support healing in ways never before understood 
    • A groundbreaking study showing that lifestyle modification, as originally proposed in Anticancer, reduces mortality for breast cancer by an astounding 68 percent after completion of treatment 
    • New supporting evidence for the entire Anticancer program
    ©2009 David Servan-Schreiber (P)2019 Penguin Audio


    “A common-sense blueprint for healthy living.” (Chicago Tribune)

    “Fills an important gap in our knowledge of how patients can contribute to their own care by supplementing conventional medical treatment. I recommend this book to anyone interested in preventive medicine and integrated, complementary approaches to patient care.” (John Mendelsohn, MD, president, MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas) 

    “Resonating with cancer support communities...and recommended nationwide on internet message boards.” (Los Angeles Times

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    loved it

    very useful informations, my father has a prostate cancer...trying to get him to meditate !

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