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Couverture de The King's Man

The King's Man

De : Elizabeth Kingston
Lu par : Nicholas Boulton
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    Laura Kinsale Presents…an intense and haunting historical romance by talented new author Elizabeth Kingston. The sword-wielding daughter of a Welsh rebel crosses weapons with King Edward's favorite killer.

    Ranulf Ombrier is notorious throughout England for his skill at swordplay and murderous reputation. But after years of doing his king's bidding, he follows his conscience away from Edward, all the way to the wilds of Wales. Gwenllian of Ruardean, Welsh daughter of a powerful Marcher lord, has every reason to leave Ranulf for dead when one of her men nearly kills him. As a girl she was married by proxy to a man Ranulf murdered, only to become a widow before she ever met her groom. In the years since, she has shunned the life of a lady, instead studying warfare and combat at her mother's behest.

    Saving her enemy's life comes with consequences, and Gwenllian and Ranulf are soon caught up in dangerous intrigue. Forced together, they discover a kinship of spirit and a surprising, intense desire. But even hard-won love cannot thrive when loyalties are divided and the winds of rebellion sweep the land.

    ©2015 Elizabeth Kingston (P)2015 Hedgehog, Inc.


    "I love this book because it's a great, angsty medieval, brought to life in the old school romance tradition. It's got a kick-ass heroine (who isn't a brat) and a dark, brooding hero with a past. It's read by Nicholas Boulton. And we get to hear how those lovely Welsh vowels really sound, in Nick's to-die-for voice. Like many of you, I've been anxious to hear him read fresh new works, and we're making it happen. Enjoy! And be sure to let us know what you think of Nick's performance of Kingston's unique characters in the reviews." (Laura Kinsale, author of Flowers from the Storm)
    "In a deep, gravelly voice, narrator Nicholas Boulton performs this tale of sworn enemies in Wales in the 1280s…Boulton incorporates a dozen different accents--from lilting Welsh to lightly accented English--without missing a beat and brings breathless, action-filled sword fights to life. Amid complicated political wrangling for control of the Welsh and Marcher lands, King Edward marries Gwenllian to Ranulf, which brings about a stormy, passionate peace--and some steamy sex. Listeners will be captivated by this story of loyalty, honor, and love." ( AudioFile)

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