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Couverture de A Fallen Lady

A Fallen Lady

De : Elizabeth Kingston
Lu par : Nicholas Boulton
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    Laura Kinsale presents...

    He came looking for the disgraced object of scandal, and found a delightful woman too proud to reveal her heart. A memorable Regency heroine highlights Elizabeth Kingston's special talent to create characters who steal your heart, with Nicholas Boulton to bring them to life.

    For reasons of his own, Stephen Hampton, Lord Summerdale, is determined to learn the truth behind the tangled tale of Helen's ruin. There is nothing he abhors so much as scandal - nothing he prizes so well as discretion - and so he is shocked to find that he cannot help but admire her.

    But how can she trust a man so steeped in the culture of high society, who conceals so much? And how can he, so devoted to the appearance of propriety, ever love a fallen lady?

    ©2015 Elizabeth Kingston (P)2017 Hedgehog, Inc.


    "Sometimes you want to sink into a comfy chair and read about scandal, arrogant gentlemen and fallen ladies in a country village, with all that conjures of Austen and England and taking tea. I love Kingston's venture into the Regency, and Nick's perfect sexy, aristocratic voice!" – (Laura Kinsale, author of Flowers from the Storm)
    "Narrator Nicholas Boulton has a voice made for audiobooks, a smooth baritone that conveys every nuance of a story. The writing in this historical romance is superb, and his narration elevates it even further. Stephen Hampton is dispatched to investigate what has become of the sister of a peer, who fled society in a scandal years before. He's surprised to find himself admiring the disgraced Lady Helen, and tries to befriend her. But Helen doesn't want or need a champion; she wants no part of the society that spurned her and would rather live on her own terms. The story takes its time letting their complex relationship unfold, allowing the listener to get to know the characters and become immersed in this wonderful story." - ( AudioFile)
    "Strong writing, rich characterisation and a tender and (sometimes) angsty central relationship combine to make this an engrossing listen; and with Nicholas Boulton proving, once again, exactly why his name on the front of an audiobook makes us jump for joy, it’s highly recommended." - ( AudioGals)

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