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Couverture de A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor

A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor

De : Hank Green
Lu par : Kristen Sieh, Joe Hempel, Jesse Vilinsky, Nicole Lewis, Kevin R. Free, Hank Green, Robert Petkoff, Angelo Di Loreto, Oliver Wyman, Hillary Huber, P.J. Ochlan, Gabra Zackman
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    The Instant New York Times Best Seller

    Who has the right to change the world forever? How will we live online? How do we find comfort in an increasingly isolated world?

    The Carls disappeared the same way they appeared, in an instant. While the robots were on Earth, they caused confusion and destruction with only their presence. Part of their maelstrom was the sudden viral fame and untimely death of April May: a young woman who stumbled into the Carls' path, giving them their name, becoming their advocate, and putting herself in the middle of an avalanche of conspiracy theories.

    Months later, April’s friends are trying to find their footing in a post-Carl world. Andy has picked up April’s mantle of fame, speaking at conferences and online; Maya, ravaged by grief, begins to follow a string of mysteries that she is convinced will lead her to April; and Miranda is contemplating defying her friends’ advice and pursuing a new scientific that might have repercussions beyond anyone’s comprehension. Just as it is starting to seem like the gang may never learn the real story behind the events that changed their lives forever, a series of clues arrive - mysterious books that seem to predict the future and control the actions of their readers - all of which seems to suggest that April could be very much alive.

    In the midst of the search for the truth and the search for April is a growing force, something that wants to capture our consciousness and even control our reality.

    A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor is the bold and brilliant follow-up to An Absolutely Remarkable Thing. It is a fast-paced adventure that is also a biting social commentary, asking hard, urgent questions about the way we live, our freedoms, our future, and how we handle the unknown.

    ©2020 Hank Green (P)2020 Penguin Audio

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de A Beautifully Foolish Endeavor

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