
  • Is What You’re Eating, Eating You? With Jenn DeTracy
    Apr 5 2024

    Success isn't always convenient, but it's worth the effort. Armed with grace and grit, towards a healthier, happier you.

    Joining us again, is Jenn DeTracy. You might remember her from her previous appearance on our show about six months ago when we talked about the realms of leadership. Today, we'll be demystifying wellness and physical health.

    Ever wondered why certain ingredients are allowed in some countries but banned in others? It's a fascinating discussion that will make you think twice about what you're putting into your body. When it comes to taking on a health journey. Are you approaching it as just another "one day" or is today truly "day one" of your transformative journey? We debunk the myth that all diets are created equal and discuss the significance of sustainable lifestyle changes over quick fixes. As our guest wisely puts it, "All diets work, but do they truly make us healthier on the inside?"

    It’s important to understand what constitutes healthy food. It's not just about counting calories or macros; it's about knowing which foods nourish your body and support longevity. And it's not just about how you look on the outside; it's also about what's happening inside your body. We'll discuss the importance of prioritizing internal health over external appearances and why body shaming has no place in a healthy lifestyle. We'll share some tips on how to make healthier choices without feeling overwhelmed.


    Jenn DeTracy Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jenniferdetracy/?hl=en

    Head over to https://thezenmeathead.com/ all things Zen Meathead, including merch! And subscribe to get the latest on sales and events.

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    1 h et 19 min
  • Exploring Zen with The Punk Monk
    Feb 28 2024

    So, picture this: You're on an airplane, always in transit, yet never fully arriving. But what if we let go of the destination and just embraced the moment? That's the revolutionary idea our guest brings to the table.

    Today, we've got a special guest in the house who's here to shake things up and challenge the way we think about life. Our friend, Linus Hammarstrand, a Buddhist monk deeply rooted in the tradition of Zen Buddhism. He shares his journey into Zen practice, starting with Shaolin Kung Fu at the age of 16, and how it eventually led him to embrace the path of a Buddhist monk. We explore the evolution of Buddhist practice over time and how it's adapted to the demands of contemporary society.

    Linus discusses the concept of surrendering to the present moment. He beautifully articulates the importance of letting go of our attachments to future outcomes and simply being fully present in each moment. It's a powerful reminder of the peace that comes from embracing stillness amidst life's chaos. He talks about the beauty of impermanence and how nothing lasts forever, not even our most unbearable situations. It's all about fully experiencing each moment, even the uncomfortable ones, without resistance.

    From formal meditation practices to simple acts like walking or eating, our guest shares practical tips for cultivating mindfulness in our everyday lives. And that includes the mistakes we make, or as Linus puts it, "failing better." It's okay to make mistakes because that's how we learn and grow. It's all about being kinder to ourselves and embracing the journey of self-improvement.

    Keep your eyes peeled on our YouTube channel for upcoming meditations with Linus. While you’re there make sure to like and subscribe!

    Head over to https://thezenmeathead.com/ all things Zen Meathead, including merch!

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    1 h et 6 min
  • The Journey From Doubt To Dollars with Zoey Shannon
    Jan 25 2024

    “Faith is faith, as hard as integrity.”

    "It is criminal how little we've saved ($). Like it should be criminal."

    Ever found yourself questioning why the dollars you make don't always translate to financial security? It's not just about making money – it's about understanding how our emotions play an important role in sculpting our financial realities. This episode is a captivating exploration of how our emotional landscapes shape our financial realities

    After years of personal growth and introspection, Zoey Shannon has built a thriving business centered around helping others navigate the tricky intersection of relationships and money.  The realization of her own financial struggles, despite a significant income, became a turning point. Resonate with Zoey's struggle against shame and self-judgment as she confronts the challenges of managing money. Her powerful revelation about worthiness, unraveling the belief systems that kept her trapped in cycles of doubt and scarcity. As she candidly shares her experiences with relationships and financial breakthroughs, listeners will find inspiration in her vulnerability and strength.

    Financial security is a state of stability and confidence in one's financial situation. Zoey's journey implies a sense of assurance, not just in the amount of money one earns but in how effectively they navigate their financial landscape, make financial decisions, and create a sustainable foundation for their economic well-being.

    Connect with Zoey Shannon:
    Website: Richgirlschool.com, Femmefortexo.com

    Social Media: @thezoeyshannon





    Head over to https://thezenmeathead.com/ all things Zen Meathead, including merch! And subscribe to get the latest on sales and events.

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    1 h et 29 min
  • Breaking Binary: An open conversation on gender and pronouns with Kaje Thomas
    Jan 1 2024

    “Some (gender identifying) terms, to me, are not feminine or masculine. They just denote an energetic helpfulness to another human on the planet.”

    So, what's gender identity? Gender identity is a deeply-felt sense of being male, female, gender fluid or another gender. It may or may not align with the physical sex assigned at birth,  and can change over time for some people.

    The gender and pronoun conversation continues to be a hot topic and as its new and expanding terminology is exciting and liberating for some, for others it can be very complicated,  confusing, and even frustrating.

    Kaje Thomas is a non-binary life coach who’s pronouns are they/them. They take us through what it was like growing up with a female sexual assignment, and the awareness of having an attraction to the same sex at a young age in a time when non-binary pronouns did not exist. They also share some of those challenges they experienced and continue to navigate on their  journey of their own gender self-discovery.

    In recent years, younger generations of people who's gender identification and sexual assignment don’t align have started speaking up about their experiences, and are asking the world to make space for them in terms of equality and kindness. Progress has been made, but Kaje is here to help clear up some of the confusion and facilitate understanding.

    Kaje Thomas is the owner of No Bullshit Life Coaching. Their 20 year career as a coach, coupled with their eclectic and diverse life experiences has helped them develop deep empathy and compassion. They've devoted their life to sharing and teaching these qualities however they can.

    Head over to https://thezenmeathead.com/ all things Zen Meathead, including merch! And subscribe to get the latest on sales and events.

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    1 h et 21 min
  • Waiting to Exhale with Alexey Molchanov & Olya Lapina
    Dec 7 2023

    “To understand water is to understand the cosmos, the marvels of nature, and life itself -Masaru Imoto”

    Having discipline is very crucial in freediving, so one must learn breath control, technique, and mental focus. The parallel between scuba diving and freediving differs in how fast you come up from the exceeded depth, with freediving being faster than scuba diving. Part of the safety measures are the presence of safety divers, video cameras, and the contraband system, ensuring a swift response in case of emergencies, and also having a buddy in free diving to mitigate risks.

    Our guests suggest that the practice requires divers to be present in the moment and fully engage with their surroundings. Do not just focus on the end goal but also be aware of the present moment. Setting intentions allows freedivers to stay grounded, concentrating on each step of the process rather than giving way to external pressures and anxiety

    Alexey Molchanov is the current world record holder for freediving. He got into it through childhood memories and family trips. It started as a hobby during family trips, and later, as the sport gained recognition, he decided to pursue it professionally. 

    Olya Lapina is a multi-talented individual with a resume that includes mountain climbing, yoga, and also freediving. It all started with a suggestion during a Vipassana meditation retreat in Bali, and when she heard that Alexey was coming, she signed up for the course and the rest is history.

    So, what is freediving? It's anything you do while holding your breath underwater. Whether it's underwater photography, water fishing, or breaking world records, free diving is a mesmerizing exploration of the underwater realm.

    To learn more about our guest, Alexey Molchanov, visit their website Molchanovs.com.

    Follow Alexey's Instagram account @alexeymolchanov.

    Visit BaliFreediver.com to learn more about freediving.

    Head over to https://thezenmeathead.com/ all things Zen Meathead, including merch! And subscribe to get the latest on sales and events.

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    1 h et 20 min
  • Choose Your Regrets with Mark Robinson
    Nov 10 2023

    “Confidence is not built by shouting affirmations in the mirror, but by building up a stack of undeniable evidence that you are who you say you are. - Alex Hormozi”

    In life, we’re constantly faced with decisions. In making these choices, we must consider the regrets we’re willing to live with. This perspective serves as a guiding principle, empowering us to assess our aspirations, dreams, and desires against the potential consequences of inaction.

    Mark Robinson’s personal journey exemplifies this concept; he opted to leave the security of a corporate job, embracing the uncertainty of entrepreneurship. In this pivotal moment, he evaluated the regret of not pursuing his passion against the regret of taking a leap of faith. His decision to choose the latter not only transformed his life but also led to the creation of BRANDTEGIC, a testament to the power of choosing one's regrets wisely.

    The concept of choosing regrets serves as a motivational beacon, encouraging us to pursue our dreams, passions, and authentic selves. It challenges the conventional norms of societal expectations and corporate stability, prompting us to embrace the unknown in pursuit of a more fulfilling existence. This will remind everyone that life's most rewarding adventures often stem from the courage to confront uncertainty and select the regrets that lead to a life well-lived.

    Learn more about Mark Robinson, visit https://brandtegic.co/about.

    Follow them on social media platforms:

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/brandtegic/.

    Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@brandtegic.

    Head over to https://thezenmeathead.com/ all things Zen Meathead, including merch! And subscribe to get the latest on sales and events.

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    46 min
  • How Vulnerability, Coaching, & Self-Compassion Changed Me! With Life Coach Lori
    Oct 20 2023

    “There’s nothing wrong with wanting to get support”

    Stay curious, stay courageous, and embrace the beautiful adventure of self-discovery. With people you trust and love. And it's not just about being vulnerable with the world, but choosing who gets to see your true self. It's like building a fortress with gates that you control. So you can let the right people in, the ones who appreciate and nurture your vulnerability. And it's not about weakness. It's about strength, the strength to be authentic, to be real, to be imperfect, and to show up exactly as you are.

    Don't wait until life becomes unbearable or until you're drowning in your own uncertainties. Coaching isn't just for fixing what's broken; it's for enhancing what's already there. It's a tool for self-discovery, growth, and fulfilment. It's an investment in yourself and your future. And the beauty of it is, you don't have to do it alone. You have someone there, a coach, to guide you, support you, and challenge you in all the right ways.

    Join Chris and Sarah with a special guest - the very first returning guest, Lori “life coach Lori” Prutsman, on this episode of the Zen Meathead podcast.

    To learn more about Lori or hire her as a coach, visit her website: https://www.loriprutsman.com/.

    Listen to the first episode with Lori Prutsman:

    Spotify: Life Change with Lori Prutsman
    Youtube: Life Change with Lori Prutsman

    Head over to https://thezenmeathead.com/ all things Zen Meathead, including merch! And subscribe to get the latest on sales and events.

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    1 h et 13 min
  • “Lunar Alchemy: Exploring the Nature of Women” With Bri Martinez
    Oct 5 2023

    “When we lose touch with the instinctive psyche, we live in a semi destroyed state and images and powers that are natural to the feminine are not allowed full development.” - excerpt from Women Who Run With the Wolves by Clarissa Pinkola Estes.

    In this episode, we explore a topic that's often overlooked in discussions about health and wellness: the experiences unique to women. Bri Martinez, the founder of Wild Moon, is a passionate advocate for reconnecting women with their true selves through menstrual cycle awareness and nature connection. She shares profound insights from her personal journey and expertise, shedding light on the transformative power of embracing the natural cycles of the female body.

    Bri explains the four phases of the menstrual cycle, likening them to the changing seasons, and emphasizes the importance of understanding and accepting the varying energies and emotions that come with each phase. Through her own experience and extensive research, she discovered the significance of embracing these cyclical changes, leading to self-acceptance and profound personal growth. Bri also introduces the concept of moon journaling, a practice that allows women to track their cycles, gain self-awareness, and harness the strengths of each phase. The episode provides valuable insights into a topic that is crucial for women's overall well-being and personal development. Tune in and join us in this enlightening conversation!

    To register for the coaching, workshops, and backpacking trips, go to Bri Martinez’s website: wild-moon.org.

    You can follow and connect with Bri through Instagram: @wildmoonexperience.

    Head over to https://thezenmeathead.com/ all things Zen Meathead, including merch! And subscribe to get the latest on sales and events.

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    59 min