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Couverture de The Science of Getting Rich

The Science of Getting Rich

De : Wallace D. Wattles
Lu par : Denis Waitley
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    In this program, Denis Waitley narrates the classic book, written by Wallace D. Wattles in 1910, which contains the underlying philosophy of how and why to attain true wealth.

    When Rhonda Byrne, creator of the global phenomenon The Secret, enlisted Denis Waitley's participation as one of the teachers in both the video and book versions, they both discovered that Wattles' work had profoundly influenced their own beliefs concerning fundamental laws of success, including the law of attraction, the law of increase, and the law of gratitude.

    A recognized pioneer in the personal development movement, Denis Waitley is one of the most respected and listened-to voices on high-performance achievement. The author of 18 nonfiction books, his audio album The Psychology of Winning is the all-time best-selling program on self-mastery.

    The Science of Getting Rich, narrated by Denis Waitley, is the seminal work by Wallace D. Wattles. With timeless principles leading to material and spiritual wealth, it is as relevant today as it was more than a century ago, when it was first published.

    What you will learn about:

    • The right to be rich
    • There is a science of getting rich, like mathematics or physics
    • How riches come to you
    • Thinking and doing things in a certain way
    • The law of attraction
    • Getting into the right business
    • The law of gratitude and the impression of increase
    Public Domain (P)2015 Gildan Media LLC

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de The Science of Getting Rich

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    this book is and will always be a classic for everyone who wishes to advance forward in their lives.

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    j'ai vraiment bien aimé
    C'est concis et puissant. couplé à des bonnes heures de travail et la richesse coulera à flots

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    Interesting and motivating ideas

    I recommend it. A classic that treats the psychology of money and of poverty, in connexion with religion. Very useful for the persons from modest families with a strong religious education.

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      2 out of 5 stars
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      2 out of 5 stars

    Another "law of attraction of the universe" book.

    If you're into stuff like " think of something and the strenght of the universe will bring it to you", then you will enjoy this book.

    Otherwise if you have a bit of scientific thinking, you will get bored or angry listening to it.

    I don't understand why this book crossed one century, it's not relevant.

    Very dissapointing.

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