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Couverture de The Adventure Collection

The Adventure Collection

De : Jonathan Swift, Jack London, Rudyard Kipling, Howard Pyle, Robert Louis Stevenson
Lu par : Simon Vance, Michael Page, Buck Schirner
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    This set includes five tales of extraordinary heroism, marvelous intrigue, and exceptional courage that have inspired and amazed people for generations. Gulliver’s Travels is Jonathan Swift’s comic tale of an Englishman who journeys to four fantastical and exotic lands filled with unforgettable characters, from the pint-size Lilliputians to the giant Brobdingnagians. The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood takes us to Sherwood Forest, where the brigand and his band of “merry men” rob from the rich to give to the poor — to the consternation of the Sheriff of Nottingham. The Jungle Book transports readers into a wondrous world where danger lurks behind every drooping vine and the law of the jungle is the key to survival. Robert Louis Stevenson’s Treasure Island follows young Jim Hawkins as he learns the ways of the buccaneer from a group of seafaring miscreants, including the nefarious peg leg, Long John Silver. White Fang by Jack London recreates the forbidding world of the Yukon Gold Rush, where a wild dog must endure violence, hardship, and bitter cold on his journey from savagery to civilization.

    Public Domain (P)2013 Brilliance Audio, Inc.

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