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Grit & Grace

De : Tim McGraw
Lu par : Tim McGraw, Eric G. Dove
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    From Grammy Award-winning music superstar and actor Tim McGraw comes a one-of-a kind lifestyle audiobook that melds his personal fitness transformation story with practical advice to inspire healthy changes in listeners’ lives.

    Tim McGraw is as well-known for his unparalleled accomplishments in the entertainment industry as he is for his boundless energy - he is the embodiment of vitality and success. But only a decade ago, he found himself struggling with his health. The demands of his meteoric career and life on the road had taken a toll. McGraw came to a crossroads where he knew that unless he made his physical health a priority, he would put his personal happiness and professional success at risk. In Grit & Grace, McGraw shares his transformation story along with encouragement, inspiration, and real-life, practical advice to help listeners become healthy, strong, and fit in mind and body.

    For the first time, McGraw will share the details of the mental and physical routine that got him in the best shape of his life. He suggests that there is no magic formula to getting stronger and healthier: It is about making a commitment to do and be better and holding yourself accountable each day. McGraw didn’t follow a playbook or have a squad of trainers overseeing his every step. He describes his way of getting into shape as more "maverick" - tuning into a vision of what you personally want to achieve, staying focused, and putting in the work.

    McGraw says his physical transformation has ignited a whole-life transformation. "My mind is clearer, my sense of purpose is sharper, and my relationships are deeper. Consistent physical exercise helps me bring focus to my life and to the people who mean the most to me." In Grit & Grace, McGraw makes this transformation accessible to anyone, sharing with listeners the physical and mental tools they can use to create the life they deserve.

    Supplemental enhancement PDF accompanies the audiobook.

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2019 Tim McGraw (P)2019 HarperAudio

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