Trina Ann Pion

Trina Ann Pion

Trina Ann Pion (1978 -) Born and raised in Montreal, Trina was the oldest of eight kids, but she only lived with one of them for ten years and another for two. Scattered around Montreal, most of them grew up in foster homes. Trina stayed in multiple foster and group homes from the ages of nine to seventeen. She became a young mother at eighteen. Postpartum depression turned into postpartum psychosis, which triggered Trina’s battle with bipolar l disorder and psychosis. By the time Trina was twenty-four, she had four children, one of whom was born with Goldenhar Syndrome, severe autism, and is profoundly deaf and hard-of-seeing. Trina and her family took care of Jade for nine years before Trina realized her own health and narrow wallet were preventing her daughter from thriving to the fullest. So she made the hardest decision of her life and had her daughter placed in a special home where she is well taken care of and gets regular visits home. Despite so many obstacles, Trina went back to school to study accounting and journalism at Dawson College and Concordia University. She did well as a student and was Editor-in-Chief of Dawson’s school paper, The Plant. Trina's bipolar disorder, severe asthma, morbid obesity, and osteoarthritis that was so bad she required hip replacements, caused her grades to slip halfway through university. She was suspended from her accounting program for two years. She never returned. She is now waiting to become a single empty-nester with four grown kids, the youngest two still living at home, two granddaughters and two cats. Despite Trina’s hardships, she didn’t let her issues deter her from her lifelong dream of writing books. MANIC WARS is her first novel. Trina’s also the proud grandmother of two granddaughters.
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