Sonja Dewing

Sonja Dewing

Sonja Dewing is a multi-award winning author, creative writer, book writing coach, and self-publishing guru. She's also an award winning publisher and founder of the Women's Thriller Writers Association. She loves adventure, and living in Albuquerque with her giant puppy Bo. What does she know about adventure? After years of paying off debt, in 2013 she quit her job at a university, sold most of her things, got rid of her apartment, put the rest of her stuff in her dad’s garage, then traveled to Costa Rica, Panama, and Peru for seven weeks. She loved meeting new people, getting to know the Spanish language, and learning how to surf in Costa Rica. While in Peru, she stayed in the Amazon at an eco-resort for a week. Her favorite time there was relaxing in the lobby in a hammock and watching as tiny black monkeys climbed down from the trees and went through the top of the open-air building. She admits that the Amazon was far more amazing then she could have imagined and was glad she went so she could add the sense of the jungle to her first published novel. When she came back to the states, she traveled all over the country with the intention of finding somewhere new to live but realized she loved Albuquerque too much. She had to come back for the sunshine, mountains, and green chile. She’s an avid hiker, backpacker, traveler and also plays roller derby with Elevated Roller Derby as ‘Author of Pain.’ When she isn't writing her next novel or working on Plot Duckies Publishing, she's helping entrepreneurs in Albuquerque, New Mexico as an organizer for One Million Cups, or she’s planning her next trip. Get an award-winning short story - Leslie Kicklighter's first adventure, by signing up for her email list at Or check out her website: She also writes horror under the pen name C.H. West. You can find that short story, Evil Nuns From Space, Here:
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