Maretha Botha

Maretha Botha

Maretha Botha - Librarian, Children's author/illustrator and self-confessed bookworm, chocolate and black coffee addict, animal and bird lover, occasional gardener and hiker on the moors. Her children's (9-12) series of illustrated books called, "FAUNA PARK TALES" is based on "African Adventures of Flame, Family, Furry and Feathered Friends" a September 2013 GOLD MEDAL WINNER on Authonomy, a HarperCollins writers' website. She may be contacted and followed via the following websites: The first three books of "Fauna Park Tales: An African Adventure" are available as eBooks and black/white illustrated paperbacks. A 210 page, Gold Band DELUXE COLOUR ILLUSTRATED EDITION - "Tales from Fauna Park, An African Adventure: Flame and Hope" is available and will also be enjoyed by better readers (9-12) who still like seeing illustrations. Show Less
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