Sami Lakhani Thrillers

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Purpose of Evasion: A Sami Lakhani Thriller Description

Terrorists killed his parents. Now Sami Lakhani works in the dark corners of intelligence to kill the terrorists, but he’s not your average spy. Sami is gay. And Muslim-American. His job and his identity keep him bouncing between a sense of patriotism and the shame of feeling part of a dangerous machine.

Life in the shadows is still better than reckoning with family and the secrets Sami does not want to confront, until he is assigned to stop a terrorist attack which forces him back into the orbit of one person he knows he cannot trust, his own grandfather.

Sami’s dream team of outcasts from the buzzcut world of intelligence uncover links no one wants exposed, including the White House. Before they can stop the plot designed to strike at America’s cultural flashpoints, they are ordered to shut down their investigation.

Sami's sense of duty and pride in his identity finally coalesce in one mission, but to save lives he will have to defy his orders, confront his grandfather, and take on nefarious elements of the government that he serves.

From the mind of J.A. Walsh, former intelligence officer, Purpose of Evasion is a political thriller full of real spy tradecraft.

©2019 Milford House Press (P)2021 Beacon Audiobooks
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