
  • Navigating Sales Leadership in Healthcare w/ Chris Leach
    Apr 29 2024

    Navigating Sales Leadership in Healthcare w/ Chris Leach

    Welcome to the show, Chris Leach, Vice President of Sales for the Americas at Endologix. Endologix is a pioneer in innovative vascular solutions. In this episode, Chris shares:

    - His journey and insights into sales leadership in the healthcare industry.

    - The groundbreaking therapy, PTAB with the Detour System, is designed for long-length SFA disease

    - PTAB and its significance in addressing vascular diseases.

    - Chris emphasizes the importance of clinical aptitude and data analysis in effective communication with medical professionals.

    - Advice is offered for aspiring individuals looking to break into the medical device industry, emphasizing the importance of networking and mentorship.

    - Chris highlights the essential skills of effective targeting and adherence to a structured sales process.

    - The importance of continuous learning, adaptation, and curiosity in sales leadership is emphasized.

    - Crisis and change management are discussed while navigating challenging situations in the healthcare industry.

    - Chris shares Endologix's transformative journey, including rebranding efforts and rebuilding trust.

    - The significance of patient-centered care and innovation in motivating individuals to pursue careers in the healthcare industry is underscored.

    Chris concludes by reflecting on the patient-centric focus and the importance of mentorship in the healthcare industry.

    Additional Resources:

    Dr. Leiden discussing clinical data related to PTAB https://www.backtable.com/shows/vi/podcasts/364/percutaneous-transmural-arterial-bypass-ptab-as-a-treatment-option-for-ctos

    Chris' LinkedIn profile: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-leach-583a7411/

    Endologix website: https://endologix.com

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    32 min
  • AI At The Center of Customer Engagement w/ Thomas Ryan
    Apr 22 2024

    AI At The Center of Customer Engagement w/ Thomas Ryan

    In this episode of the Business Warrior Within podcast, host Andy Olen welcomes Thomas Ryan, the mastermind behind Bigly Sales, a company revolutionizing sales with AI technology. Thomas discusses how AI can replace traditional salespeople, streamline customer service processes, and enhance sales efficiency. He emphasizes the importance of adapting to AI advancements, noting the exponential growth in AI capabilities and its potential to outperform humans in various tasks. Thomas also shares insights on Bigly Sales' new product launch and highlights the hyper-persuasive potential of AI in sales and customer interactions. Throughout the conversation, he encourages businesses to embrace AI as a tool for productivity and innovation, emphasizing the need to stay ahead of the curve in an evolving technological landscape.

    Learn More About Bigly Sales: https://biglysales.com/

    Connect with Thomas on LinkedIn

    Conversation Highlights:

    1. The Power of AI in Sales Automation: Thomas Ryan explains Bigly Sales' AI-driven sales automation concept. He emphasizes how AI can replace mundane tasks in call centers, improve customer service, and enhance the sales process. The AI's ability to handle repetitive tasks efficiently is highlighted, increasing productivity and customer satisfaction.

    2. Personalizing Customer Interactions: Ryan discusses the AI's capability to personalize customer interactions based on age, gender, and location. By utilizing data science and personality types, Bigly Sales aims to enhance the customer experience, making interactions with AI-driven agents more relatable and effective.

    3. Target Market and Use Cases: The target market for Bigly Sales' AI solutions is identified as businesses receiving a high volume of leads or customer contacts. Ryan explains how AI can streamline appointment scheduling, lead qualification, and customer support, benefiting businesses with large customer bases.

    4. Implications for Sales Professionals: While acknowledging concerns about AI replacing sales jobs, Ryan suggests that lower-level sales roles involving repetitive tasks are most at risk. He emphasizes the need for sales professionals to adapt and upskill, leveraging AI to focus on higher-value tasks such as relationship-building and strategic selling.

    5. Leveraging AI in Sales Training and Operations: Ryan discusses integrating AI tools like ChatGPT into sales training and operations. He highlights the efficiency gains and insights provided by AI in handling common sales questions, objections, and decision-making processes. By utilizing AI, sales teams can enhance productivity and effectiveness.

    6. Future Trends and Opportunities: Ryan predicts a hyper-persuasive future for AI in sales, where AI agents become increasingly adept at resolving issues and anticipating customer needs. He emphasizes the exponential growth of AI capabilities and the importance of staying ahead of the curve to remain competitive in the evolving business landscape.

    Conclusion: As the conversation wraps up, Ryan reflects on the rapid advancements in AI technology and the transformative impact on sales and customer service. He encourages businesses to embrace AI for efficiency and innovation, emphasizing the need to adapt and leverage AI to stay ahead in the evolving business landscape.

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    32 min
  • Mastering Medtech Corporate Accounts with Jay Sullivan
    Apr 15 2024

    Mastering Medtech Corporate Accounts with Jay Sullivan

    In this episode of the Business Warrior Within podcast, host Andy Olen welcomes Jay Sullivan.

    Jay is a MedTech sales titan with a distinguished career at Boston Scientific and Abbott Laboratories and is currently at Olympus as Group Vice President of Corporate Accounts, Contract Operations, and Strategic Pricing.

    Jay discusses his journey from starting as a salesperson at Xerox to becoming a healthcare executive, emphasizing the importance of training, resilience, and learning from every experience.

    He highlights the evolution of healthcare sales, the impact of COVID-19 on the industry, and the necessity of adapting to changing customer demands and corporate account management.

    Jay also shares valuable advice for sales professionals aspiring to succeed in corporate accounts roles, stressing the importance of negotiation, communication, and strategic thinking skills.

    The conversation also touches on the importance of fitness and reflection in achieving personal and professional success.

    Learn More About Jay Sullivan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jay-sullivan-2493a179

    00:00 Welcome to the Business Warrior Within Podcast

    01:59 Jay Sullivan's Journey from Xerox to Healthcare Sales Titan

    04:15 The Passion for Healthcare and Its Dynamic Industry

    05:21 Navigating the Evolution of Healthcare Sales and Corporate Accounts

    09:13 The Art of Corporate Account Management in Healthcare

    16:59 Adapting to Change and the Future of Healthcare Sales

    21:12 Skills and Mindset for Success in Corporate Account Roles

    25:42 The Joy of Transformation and Leadership in Sales

    30:11 Closing Thoughts: Fitness and Success

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    32 min
  • Building Through Stories with Eido Walny
    Apr 8 2024

    Building Through Stories with Eido Walny

    Eido Walny is not your average lawyer next door. He founded a national powerhouse law firm, consults businesses to success, and currently serves as the Village President of Bayside, WI. He has created success in business, life, and politics through storytelling.

    Eido is a national speaker who shares stories of celebrity estate planning mistakes and highlights the need for everyone, including businesspeople, celebrities, and professional athletes, to have a comprehensive estate plan.

    In this episode, Andy Olen and Eido Walny discuss the importance of estate planning and the challenges that arise when individuals fail to plan for the future. Eido emphasizes the importance of planning and highlights the emotional and financial difficulties that can arise when someone passes away without a proper plan. Eido shares his insights on building a successful law firm and the importance of focusing on knowledge and relationships. They also discuss the power of storytelling in connecting with clients and building trust.

    Find Eido at the WalnyLegal.com

    Steve Jobs Answering a Tough Question on YouTube


    - Estate planning is crucial for everyone, including Business Warriors, celebrities, and professional athletes.

    - Estate planning is not just about death but also about making important decisions during life

    - Fights over sentimental items can arise when no clear plan is in place

    - The cost of administering an estate without proper planning can be significantly higher than creating an estate plan. Estate planning is crucial for ensuring that affairs are in order and minimizing emotional and financial difficulties for loved ones after someone passes away.

    - Building a successful law firm requires a focus on both knowledge and relationships.

    - Storytelling is a powerful tool for connecting with clients and building trust.

    - Trust is hard to build and easy to lose, so it's important to prioritize building trust with clients.

    - Connecting with people and explaining complex concepts in a way they can understand is key to effective communication and building relationships.

    - Combining personal hobbies and interests with professional expertise can create unique marketing opportunities and enhance client relationships.

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    45 min
  • The Joys and Challenges of Solopreneurship
    Apr 2 2024
    The Joys and Challenges of Solopreneurship

    In this podcast episode, Andy Olen explores the concept of solopreneurship, advocating for a deliberate approach to starting and running a business independently, without the need for extensive teams or ambitious scaling goals. Andy emphasizes the personal fulfillment and autonomy that solopreneurship offers, highlighting the ability to align work with individual interests and maintain a balanced lifestyle. Through insightful discussions on financial prudence, software utilization, and risk management, he encourages listeners to embrace solopreneurship as a pathway to flexible and fulfilling professional futures.

    Connect with Andy Olen:

    • Website: andyolen.com
    • Coaching Programs: Andy's 1:1 Coaching

    Stay Connected:

    • Follow Andy Olen on social media for updates, insights, and more:
      • LinkedIn: Andy Olen's Profile

    Introduction to Solopreneurship:

    • Solopreneurship is defined as purposefully starting a business with the intention of operating it alone, without the need for extensive teams or scaling for multi-million dollar exits.

    Exploring the Solopreneur Lifestyle:

    • Andy discusses the essence of solopreneurship, focusing on building a business that aligns with personal joy and fulfillment, allowing flexibility for pursuing other interests and maintaining work-life balance.

    Inspiration from Successful Solopreneurs:

    • Drawing inspiration from notable figures like Justin Welsh, Andy emphasizes the importance of building a business that enables autonomy and personal fulfillment.

    Navigating the Challenges:

    • While solopreneurship offers autonomy, it also presents challenges such as solitude and decision-making. Andy shares insights on overcoming these hurdles and adapting to the solo journey.

    Financial Prudence and Software Utilization:

    • Andy discusses the importance of prudent financial decisions, including wise software investments and the value of trial-and-error to optimize expenses.

    Building Towards a Flexible Future:

    • Solopreneurship offers the opportunity to craft a flexible future, allowing individuals to extend their careers, pursue passions, and maintain control over their schedules and engagements.

    Risk and Reward:

    • Andy contrasts the perceived risks of solopreneurship with the unpredictability of corporate employment, highlighting the resilience and control that solopreneurs possess over their income streams.

    Closing Thoughts:

    • In closing, Andy encourages listeners to embrace the entrepreneurial spirit, leveraging the freedom and opportunities available to shape their professional and personal destinies.
    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    25 min
  • Global Healthcare Leadership with Jeff Roach
    Mar 14 2024

    Jeff Roach, Chief Commercial Officer at Medinol, shares insights on his experience in the medical device industry and the importance of leadership and negotiation skills. He discusses the transition from a regional sales manager to a national account role and the value of building relationships and creating followership.

    Jeff also highlights the significance of transparency in negotiations and the importance of internal negotiations in creating successful deals. He shares his experiences in working globally and emphasizes the need for an open mind, curiosity, and a willingness to embrace different cultures.

    Jeff encourages individuals to seek international opportunities early in their careers and to choose bosses they trust and admire.

    Connect with Jeff on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jeff-roach-6b206a9/

    Learn more about Medinol: https://medinol.com/en/home/

    A few definitions:

    STENT - a medical device used to prop open arteries or veins so blood can flow freely.

    TAVR -Transcatheter aortic valve replacement is the replacement of the heart's aortic valve through the blood vessels.

    XIENCE V - a drug-eluting coronary stent sold by Abbott Vascular

    PROMUS - in 2008, the exact same stent as XIENCE V but sold by Boston Scientific

    • Build relationships and create followership by transitioning from a manager to a leader.
    • Transparency in negotiations can lead to successful outcomes and maintain positive relationships.
    • Internal negotiations are crucial in creating deal structures that empower negotiations with customers.
    • Working globally requires an open mind, curiosity, and a willingness to embrace different cultures.
    • Seek international opportunities early in your career to gain valuable experiences and broaden your skillset.


    00:00 Introduction to Medinol and Jeff Roach

    04:03 Reminiscing on past experiences

    08:06 Transitioning to a national account role

    09:07 Advice for different types of sales roles

    21:43 Internal negotiations and deal structure

    26:50 Transitioning to global responsibilities

    31:19 Embracing different cultures and experiences

    38:41 Advice for gaining international experience

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    45 min
  • Evolve Your Skills Or Get Passed By
    Mar 4 2024


    In this episode, Andy discusses the importance of evolving and upgrading skills to stay competitive in business. He shares a personal story about his marathon training and the need to adapt his approach to avoid injury. Andy emphasizes that change is necessary to avoid being passed by in various aspects of life and career. He highlights the importance of continuous learning and skill building, especially in the face of technological advancements. Andy concludes by encouraging listeners to invest in their.


    • Continuously evolving and upgrading skills is crucial for success in business and life.
    • Failure to adapt and change can lead to being left behind by competitors.
    • Each generation has its own unique skill set, and it's important to stay updated with the latest technologies and trends.
    • Investing in personal and professional development is essential for career advancement and achieving excellence.

    Be a guest on the show: https://www.andyolen.com/podcast-guest-form

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    18 min
  • How Nice Guy Doug Sandler Sells, Leads, and Podcasts
    Feb 29 2024

    Want to become a podcaster? This episode will have you thinking differently about success with a podcast.

    Doug Sandler, author of 'Nice Guys Finish First' and host of 'The Nice Guys on Business' podcast, shares insights on business, skills, and podcasting.

    Sandler discusses the shift from a command and control leadership style to one based on empathy and inspiration.

    He also emphasizes the power of high touch over high tech in building relationships and generating business. Doug shares his unique approach to podcasting, using the guest seat as a tool for engagement and conversion.

    Sandler highlights the importance of relationship building and offers advice on key skills for business success.

    Sign up for Doug's Podcast Toolkit: https://turnkeypodcast.mykajabi.com/toolkit
    Nice Guys on Business Podcast: https://www.niceguysonbusiness.com/subscribe/


    • Being a nice guy in business can lead to success and positive relationships.
    • The command and control leadership style is being replaced by empathy and inspiration.
    • High-touch interactions are more effective than high-tech solutions in building relationships.
    • Using the podcast guest seat as a tool for engagement and conversion can lead to business success.
    • Relationship building is crucial in both acquiring and retaining customers.
    • Key skills for business success include relationship building, communication, and empathy.
    • Treating everyone as a customer, even non-customers can lead to unexpected opportunities.
    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    36 min