
  • TheBialyPimps 24
    Jun 2 2012

    With the deli destroyed and closing, Dicky, escaped, revels in his accomplishment for a while before things turn bad. The fame wheel turns and the crew moves on, but the Anarchist arranges a reunion that is also a tribute. A new venture is begun as time marches inevitably on.

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    40 min
  • TheBialyPimps 23
    Jun 2 2012

    When Dicky's plans go mysteriously awry, the rats sieze their chance and thousands of them begin the Great Rat Uprising. The crew is temporarily protected from the melee but sees their safety dwindling as Philip makes an infuriating but lifesaving discovery about the depth of the store's ghetto nature. The force protecting Bingham's is revealed.

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    35 min
  • TheBialyPimps 22
    Jun 2 2012

    Philip flips from fun harrassment to all-out assault to try and finally rid the place of idiots, to finally show them that he truly means business and is determined to get a reaction no matter what. Meanwhile, Captain Dipshit arrives with police in force and Dicky locks the doors to have his say on a soapbox in the lobby, with his finger on a big red button. 

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    35 min
  • TheBialyPimps 21
    Jun 2 2012

    With plans for the New Year's Gala underway, the crew begins to resent the agents and the fans and fame and make plans for a return to a rebellious normal. When their subtle sabotage is foiled, Philip commands Tracy to brave the basement to locate an ancient weapon of Bingham's lore.

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    35 min
  • TheBialyPimps 20
    Jun 2 2012

    With the rat-videotaping plot no longer an option, Tony rails at the loss of his camera and Dicky goads him and Captain Dipshit into a plan for revenge. Darcy sees the irony of fame, and the way the crew set themselves free and had run right back into bondage. Angela suggests a huge New Year's Eve bash and Tracy realizes that something important has slipped by him. Once in the deli, enacting their latest scheme, Dicky breaks from his accomplices and sets up his destructive true scheme.

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    41 min
  • TheBialyPimps 19
    Jun 2 2012

    While Tony is discovering that his plot and his property have been taken away from him, one of Jenny's sarcastic dreams comes horribly true. Despite an air of tragedy, the fame train rolls on, with the crew seeing what ridiculous merchandising the Bingham's-hungry masses will actually buy. Philip and the Anarchist, sensing an end to the phenomenon begin to wonder what will happen next.

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    35 min
  • TheBialyPimps 18
    Jun 2 2012

    The debut of Bricker's bestselling book causes waves with Slate and the slicer while Philip and the Anarchist develop a troubling drug habit. The rats mass in the lobby and set a date for their overthrow. Roger goes on a mission to foil Dicky's plans, but Dicky, who watched as the rats gathered in the lobby, begins to see that his current plot was inadequate anyway, and begins to formulate a much worse one. Meanwhile, lawyers finally arrive at Bingham's, with surprising results.

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    47 min
  • TheBialyPimps 17
    Jun 2 2012

    The crew is rattled by a shocking discovery involving Army Ted and the mysterious, magical campus math tutor bandit. Meanwhile, Tony is secretly enacting Dicky Kulane's sabotage plan. The Anarchist begins to question his decision to attend grad school and is subsequently harassed by Army Ted in a nighttime encounter, while Roger casts his suspicions on Tony and his intentions.

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    31 min