
  • Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep..."Just Let Them!"
    Jun 7 2024

    This week we are discussing the "Let Them Theory".

    This theory was discussed by Mel Robbins and has grown in popularity over the past year or so. The Let Them Theory essentially encourages you to allow people to do what they do without allowing it to affect you. Don't worry about what others are doing, saying, thinking, etc. You do you and know that they don't have to agree with what you do, think, have, etc.

    There's obviously a bit more that we could dive into with this and that's exactly what we are doing in today's episode.

    Take a few minutes to allow yourself to consider the "Let Them Theory" and think about the people in your world that cause you distress, stress, anger, frustration, anxiety, loneliness, etc., can you 'let them' be them and be okay with not finding peace with them. or coming to an agreement. Perhaps you just agree to disagree?

    Share your feedback on this topic!! We'd love to hear if you love it or hate it!

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    26 min
  • Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep..."Do you know what you actually want more of?"
    May 31 2024

    In this week's episode of Leave Your Excuses After The Beep we are asking you a few questions and giving you some perspectives to consider. Have you ever considered that you aren't seeing changes or results because you do not really know what it is that you want?!

    We are quick to identify the things that we don't want in our lives but what happens when we have to explain what we want more of? Most of us struggle to consider what it is that we actually want MORE of. As we break down different ways to implement this reflection into your personal physical health, mental health, relationships, finances, budget, among others. We ask you to take a few minutes as you listen in this week to ponder the questions that we are asking of you.

    The book that Kitty references in today's episode is Financial Feminist by Tori Dunlap. Let us know what you think if you check out Tori's work!

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    28 min
  • Leave You EXCUSES After The Beep..."I can't predict the weather!"
    May 22 2024

    Another week, another episode of Leave Your Excuses After The Beep! We are breaking down the weather...if that is even possible! After a week of intermittent severe weather here in the Midwest, we've come to the conclusion that we will not let the weather get us down! Have you noticed how your mood changes based on the weather outside. If it's cloudy, rainy and cold you tend to be more mopey, dreary, sad or maybe lonely. If it's warm, the sun shining and a nice breezy day it seems like nothing can shake you. Am I the only one who feels this way?! I can't be!!

    So how the heck are we going to address how unpredictable the weather is?! We are going to go back to the basics...what do we have control over...our response to the weather is the only thing we can control. We can plan accordingly, we can have a backup plan, we can look at the forecast and mentally prepare for what is coming! It really has nothing to do with the weather and everything to do with how we react to it!

    Let us know your thoughts...how do you respond to the weather?!

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    24 min
  • Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep..."What's all this buzz about mindful eating about?"
    May 16 2024

    This week we are discussing the latest buzz phrase, "mindful eating". What the heck does it mean and what benefit does it bring us on our health journey.

    Are you frequently eating on the go, rarely sitting down at a table without an electronic device nearby to distract you? Are you constantly multitasking, trying to do many things at once while grabbing a snack or a meal? There are many ways that we can drift from our present surroundings. Taking the time and creating a practice of focusing on what you are consuming at the time you are consuming it is what we find to be "mindful eating".

    Take a listen and weigh in with your thoughts about what it means to you!

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    19 min
  • Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep..."Is just walking beneficial?"
    May 9 2024

    This week we are back on the movement train! How can we meet you where you are at the level of activity that you are willing to perform? By promoting walking! Walking is simple, it is free, it is available everywhere, it is low impact, it is controlled by you, and it is a great way to get your body moving each and every day!

    Research is identifying "sitting" as the next disease that is more detrimental than daily smoking. Even when we are exercising 30 minutes per day, it's not enough to keep our bodies in physical shape. We have become so sedentary in every other aspect of our lives, that we can't make up for it by simply exercising for 30 or even 60 minutes per day. We have to move our bodies throughout the day.

    Listen in as we discuss how to make the most of our movement and make those steps count!

    Remember to like, share, subscribe to get our weekly updated episodes!

    Always finding excuses for you,

    Kitty & Kyla

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    23 min
  • Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep...."My family isn't supportive of healthy habits!"
    Apr 30 2024

    This week's episode covers a few aspects that we have experienced in raising our children. We are not experts in parenting, but rather, feel like most days are spent faking it until we make it. Just hoping that we somehow manage to raise respectful, loving, caring, kind children who bring something positive to the world.

    So for starters, when kids say things without a filter, this just might be a direct reflection of something they have heard from you...eek! If you talk down about your body, they will likely feel that it is completely normal to also talk down about their bodies. When in reality the last thing we want our children to hear is us talking about how fat our stomach is, how this roll or squishy area is something that we don't like about ourselves. How about changing the script to words of empowerment and confidence?

    There is enough hate and bullying outside of our homes in schools, at playgrounds, on sports teams, etc, we don't need to expose our kids to our bullying of ourselves!! Be kind to yourself and show this same kindness to your children when they are experiencing things that make them question their strengths and highlight their weaknesses.

    Of course, this wouldn't be a parenting episode if we didn't' mention how much our children are convinced that we don't' allow them to have sugar. Let's just say that our kids are not sheltered or deprived of sugar, they are simply educated and frequently reminded that the quality of fuel that we are putting into our bodies is what makes our bodies and minds perform well for us. If we want to be healthy, happy, strong, fast, powerful, etc. then we need to fuel with fruits, veggies, protein, grains, etc...not sugar. If it were up to our kids, sugar would be its own food group.

    That was a lot of information, but we hope that you found this insightful on how our parenting directly correlates to the health of our families!

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    29 min
  • Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep..."Negativity will wreck you!"
    Apr 23 2024

    Welcome back to another riveting episode of Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep with Kitty & Kyla.

    We are thrilled to be attacking all things negative today! What does that even mean?
    The topic of negative thoughts is not a new one. We have discussed this at length on a few previous episodes but today we want to focus more on the specific component of how we are able to affect our input to create the output we desire.

    What in the world are we talking about?!

    Let's face it, we have control over very little in our life. We have control over the surroundings that we put ourselves in and we can control our response to those surroundings. That's about it. So when we want to create a positive outcome, we have to have a positive input to start with. This is where a lot of us get tripped up. We are so hung up on the fear of the negative, that it becomes what we focus on. We have to start taking control and responsibility for how we are showing up in the world. Who are we hanging out with? How are we showing up at work, at home, behind closed doors, in public, etc? We are not here to tell you that you have to fake it and pretend that life is all butterflies and rainbows. But if you don't at least make a conscious effort to find the positive or at least consider the positive you will forever be sucked into the negative cycle.

    Find this epsisode helpful or relatable?! Share it with a friend. Send this link to a friend. Subscribe/follow/like on your podcast player of choice to keep informed of our weekly epsidode drops. And as always, if you have an excuse that you'd like us to break down, reach out on social media!
    Kitty Clements
    Kyla McComas

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    31 min
  • Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep..."I'm a procrastinator and I worry about what people think of me."
    Apr 18 2024

    Leave Your EXCUSES After The Beep...This week we are touching on a few topics that are hard to stomach because we are currently living out these excuses!

    Procrastination is a choice. No one wants to hear that. But the things we choose to do or avoid is a choice. If we choose to avoid, we have to then face the consequences if this is something that we really do need to address.

    But why are we choosing to avoid something...is it because of the thoughts we have about the possible outcome of doing or not doing said thing? Or are we not equipped to deal with it either physically or emotionally?

    Listen in if this sounds like something you could use a little guidance on!

    If you haven't already, hit the subscribe/like/follow button to be notified when new episodes are available!

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    32 min