• Recovery & Healing Series: Episode 2 - Believing From A Distance!
    May 22 2024
    On this episode, Angie will be continuing her Recovery & Healing series which provides spiritual insight and life coaching as it relates to recovery & healing from addiction and other personal life struggles or events. Sometimes in life, people who struggle with anything can feel so far away from recovery and healing that they fail to reach out for help because they just "don't" believe. During this Recovery & Healing series, Angie will be teaching some very practical principles from wonderful passages of scripture in the bible that will help individuals who struggle with believing that their own personal recovery is possible, to believe again! This episode is designed for individuals who are in a struggle as well as for their family and friends who are doing life with them.
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    53 min
  • Recovery & Healing: Believing In The Possibility!
    Apr 24 2024
    In this episode, Angie will be providing some spiritual insight and biblical guidance to individuals who are battling some form of addiction. The purpose of the information that will be shared during this episode is to prayerfully encourage those individuals who have given up on the possibility of recovery to start believing in the possibility again.
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    52 min
  • Addiction & Marriage
    Mar 27 2024
    In this episode I will be discussing the disease of addiction as it relates to marriage. On the previous episode, I talked about the disease of addiction and how it affects the family in general. But during this episode, we are going to lean in even deeper and discuss the different ways addiction affects or can affect marriage. I will also provide some biblical teaching on the subject of marriage and prayerfully provide some divine insight that bring restoration and reconcilation to troubled or broken marriages.
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    56 min
  • The Disease of Addiction: The Silent Pandemic
    Feb 28 2024
    During this episode we are going to be talking about a disease that is currently affecting many families and that is claiming lives more than cancer, heart disease, diabetes and any many other chronic illnesses. Some of you who are joining me today may have this disease or you at least know of someone or some family who is currently fighting this disease. What disease am I am talking about? I am talking about a disease that is very difficult for many people to talk about. And I know this because it use to be hard for me to talk about it. But today we are going to talk about Addiction. During our time together today I am going to explain why I personally refer to this disease as the “silent pandemic." I am gonna share some facts and statistics with you that you may or may not know about addiction. I am also gonna talk about the devastation and the emotional turmoil that addiction continues to bring to families each and every day.
    Click here to watch the Livestream
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    49 min