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Couverture de While We Were Dating

While We Were Dating

De : Jasmine Guillory
Lu par : Janina Edwards
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    An instant New York Times best seller!

    One of TIME Magazine's 100 Must-Reads of 2021!

    Two people realize that it’s no longer an act when they veer off-script in this sizzling romantic comedy by New York Times best-selling author Jasmine Guillory.

    Ben Stephens has never bothered with serious relationships. He has plenty of casual dates to keep him busy, family drama he’s trying to ignore, and his advertising job to focus on. When Ben lands a huge ad campaign featuring movie star, Anna Gardiner, however, it’s hard to keep it purely professional. Anna is not just gorgeous and sexy, she’s also down to earth and considerate, and he can’t help flirting a little....

    Anna Gardiner is on a mission: to make herself a household name, and this ad campaign will be a great distraction while she waits to hear if she’s booked her next movie. However, she didn’t expect Ben Stephens to be her biggest distraction. She knows mixing business with pleasure never works out, but why not indulge in a harmless flirtation?

    But their light-hearted banter takes a turn for the serious when Ben helps Anna in a family emergency, and they reveal truths about themselves to each other, truths they’ve barely shared with those closest to them.

    When the opportunity comes to turn their real-life fling into something more for the Hollywood spotlight, will Ben be content to play the background role in Anna’s life and leave when the cameras stop rolling? Or could he be the leading man she needs to craft their own Hollywood ending?

    ©2021 Jasmine Guillory (P)2021 Penguin Audio


    "Jasmine Guillory is the undisputed queen of the modern-day romance, and this novel - in which a budding movie star and the ad guy tasked with making her famous fall hard for one another before encountering life’s many complications - is yet another jewel in her crown.” (Vogue)

    "Jasmine Guillory has long since established her reign as the romance queen, and yet with each new release she reestablishes her dominance. While We Were Dating is as good as you've come to expect from the author - stuffed with glamour and wit, the story follows an advertising professional who falls for a Hollywood actress when she stars in his latest campaign. It's juicy yet meaningful, like every Guillory classic." (Elle)

    "An Instagram-flavored remix of Notting Hill. Glamorous and sexy? Sounds like the perfect beach read." (Harper's Bazaar)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de While We Were Dating

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    She did it again!❤️

    I love Jasmine's books so much, I have fallen in love with every character! This one was good, can't wait for the next one!

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