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Couverture de The One Plus One

The One Plus One

De : Jojo Moyes
Lu par : Elizabeth Bower, Ben Elliot, Nicola Stanton, Steven France
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    Avis de l'équipe

    Jess Thomas is a single mother, working two jobs to support her two children. Her daughter has a facility for maths, but needs more support to develop her talents, while her son is falling victim to bullies at school. Ed Nicholls is a man with problems, escaping a difficult past and facing an uncertain future. When these two lonely adults meet, he offers to help Jess and her family out. Bestselling author Jojo Moyes’s offbeat love story about two lonely people’s worlds colliding, The One Plus One, is now out in audiobook format from Audible, read by Elizabeth Bower, Ben Elliot, Nicola Stanton and Steven France.


    Penguin presents the unabridged, downloadable audiobook edition of Jojo Moyes’s The One Plus One, read by Elizabeth Bower, Ben Elliot, Nicola Stanton, and Steven France. The One Plus One is the beautiful, poignant, and utterly compelling new novel by the internationally best-selling author Jojo Moyes.

    One single mum. With two jobs and two children, Jess Thomas does her best day after day. But it’s hard on your own. And sometimes you take risks you shouldn’t. Because you have to....

    One chaotic family. Jess’ gifted, quirky daughter Tanzie is brilliant with numbers, but without a helping hand she’ll never get the chance to shine. And Nicky, Jess’ teenage stepson, can’t fight the bullies alone. Sometimes Jess feels like they’re sinking....

    One handsome stranger. Into their lives comes Ed Nicholls, a man whose life is in chaos, and who is running from a deeply uncertain future. But he has time on his hands. He knows what it’s like to be lonely. And he wants to help....

    One unexpected love story. The One Plus One is a captivating and unconventional romance from Jojo Moyes about two lost souls meeting in the most unlikely circumstances.

    Jojo Moyes is a novelist and a journalist. She worked at the Independent for 10 years before leaving to write full time. Her previous novels have all been critically acclaimed and include The Ship of Brides, Foreign Fruit, The Last Letter From Your Lover, winner of Spring 2012’s most popular Richard, and Judy Book Club title Me Before You and most recently The Girl you Left Behind. She lives in Essex with her husband and their three children.

    ©2014 Jojo Moyes (P)2014 Penguin Audio


    Praise for Jojo Moyes:

    “Majestic, utterly compelling, tremendous. A heart-stopping read” (Independent on Sunday)
    “Truly beautiful. Made us laugh, smile and sob like a baby - you simply have to read it” (Closer)
    “A triumph. Packs such an emotional punch, you’ll need a box of tissues” (Elle)

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    Très joli histoire. On prends plaisir à suivre les personnages, on rigole, on pleure… je le recommande vivement

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