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Couverture de The Little Spirit Guide Meditation

The Little Spirit Guide Meditation

De : Philip Permutt
Lu par : Philip Permutt
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    Meditation has been proved to be beneficial to health and well-being. An easy and convenient way to bring this practice into your life is with an album of meditations guided by Philip Permutt, healer, teacher, and author.

    In The Little Spirit-Guide Meditation Album, experienced meditation expert Philip Permutt takes you on six individual 10-minute meditation journeys, with music by Llewellyn and Juliana, which are designed to lead you to your spirit guides and help find the answers you seek.

    Meditation can be described as the exercise of quieting the mind. In a place of stillness, we can access our guides. Guides can be spirits of departed loved ones, wise spirits from different times and cultures, or animals. Our guides are like friends who can stay with us throughout our lives or who come and go as we need them. The meditations on this album are designed specifically to help you still the mind so that your guides can be easily heard.

    The first track is an introduction, complete with a basic meditation to calm and relax you. Then there are six individual meditation journeys for you to follow with your mind, taking you to six different mental destinations where you will meet your spirit guide to find direction and answers to your questions. The album has been carefully designed so you can listen to any one track or follow all six in turn. You can repeat the individual meditations as often as you like. You can listen to the introduction once or at the start of any of the meditations.

    • Track 1: Introduction
    • Track 2: The Mountain
    • Track 3: The Forest (animal guides)
    • Track 4: The Cave
    • Track 5: The Crystal
    • Track 6: The Pyramid
    • Track 7: The Temple in the Cloud

    PLEASE NOTE: When you purchase this title, the accompanying PDF will be available in your Audible Library along with the audio.

    ©2013 Philip Permutt (P)2013 Blackstone Audio

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