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  • The Hitman's Guide to Making Friends and Finding Love

  • De : Alice Winters
  • Lu par : Michael Ferraiuolo
  • Durée : 10 h et 43 min
  • 3,5 out of 5 stars (2 notations)

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The Hitman's Guide to Making Friends and Finding Love

De : Alice Winters
Lu par : Michael Ferraiuolo
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    What happens when a snarky hit man and a by-the-book PI cross paths?

    Being a hit man has its perks, but I never thought getting an accidental mooning by an attractive PI while he’s caught on a fence would be one of them. While it’s not exactly love at first sight, he’s captured my interest and won’t let go.

    Suddenly, I find myself caught in a game of cat and mouse, determined to attract the attention of Jackson, the PI who should be my enemy. He pretends like he’s not flattered by my flowers and the mentions of my totally-not-fictitious blow-up doll, Randy (or was it Dandy?), but I know better. Why else would he be teaming up with me to bring down Hardek, one of the city’s most ruthless criminals?

    Even though the cops are telling me that the hit man is a notorious contract killer, I can’t help but admit that I’m drawn to him. He’s funny, charismatic, and attractive. There’s no way this ridiculous man can be the person the cops are after.

    But when Leland ends up at my doorstep injured, I’m faced with a tough choice. It’s my duty to hand him over to law enforcement, but my heart has other plans. I want to keep him. To protect him. To be with him.

    Though one question remains: Why in the world does the man have so many d*mn guns?

    Contains: shenanigans on a swing that you would not find at a playground, a car chase that sadly doesn't have flips or explosions, a horsey ride sans horse, cuddles, an exuberant mutt, a suspicious chief of police, and lots and lots of laughs.

    ©2019 Alice Winters (P)2019 Alice Winters

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de The Hitman's Guide to Making Friends and Finding Love

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