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  • The First Bird

  • Episode 1
  • De : Greig Beck
  • Lu par : Sean Mangan
  • Durée : 5 h et 31 min
  • 3,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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Couverture de The First Bird

The First Bird

De : Greig Beck
Lu par : Sean Mangan
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    Matt Kearns, linguist, archaeologist and reluctant explorer from Beneath the Dark Ice and Black Mountain returns in his first full-time adventure. And this time he doesn't have Alex Hunter to save him when the stuff hits the fan.

    When a fame-hungry scientist brings an impossible, living specimen of a creature long thought extinct back from the wild jungles of South America he unwittingly brings along a passenger. Something with the potential to destroy every living thing on our planet.

    The infestation begins, rapidly overtaking medical resources and resisting all treatment. One woman knows the danger: Carla Nero, chief scientist of the Center for Disease Control. She makes Matt an offer he can't refuse and together they join a team heading to the deep jungle in a desperate race to locate the hidden place where the specimen was taken.

    Only by finding the location of the specimen can the team - and the world - hope to uncover the secret of how to survive the ancient, horrifying parasite that has been released.

    ©2013 Greig Beck (P)2013 Bolinda Publishing

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