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Couverture de The End Has Come

The End Has Come

De : Hugh Howey, Jamie Ford, Jonathan Maberry, Seanan McGuire, Nancy Kress, Carrie Vaughn, Ben H. Winters, Scott Sigler
Lu par : Vikas Adam, Gabrielle de Cuir, Justine Eyre, Roxanne Hernandez, Alex Hyde-White, Emily Rankin, Stefan Rudnicki, Judy Young
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    Famine. Death. War. Pestilence. These are the harbingers of the biblical apocalypse, of the end of the world. In science fiction the end is triggered by less figurative means: nuclear holocaust, biological warfare/pandemic, ecological disaster, or cosmological cataclysm.

    But before any catastrophe, there are people who see it coming. In the midst there are heroes who fight against it. And after there are the survivors who persevere and try to rebuild.

    The Apocalypse Triptych tells their stories.

    Edited by acclaimed anthologist John Joseph Adams and best-selling author Hugh Howey, The Apocalypse Triptych is a series of three anthologies of apocalyptic fiction. The End Is Nigh focuses on life before the apocalypse. The End Is Now turns its attention to life during the apocalypse. And The End Has Come focuses on life after the apocalypse.

    The End Has Come features all-new, never-before-published works by Hugh Howey, Seanan McGuire, Ken Liu, Carrie Vaughn, Mira Grant, Jamie Ford, Tananarive Due, Jonathan Maberry, Robin Wasserman, Nancy Kress, Charlie Jane Anders, Elizabeth Bear, Ben H. Winters, Scott Sigler, and many others.

    The end is nigh is about the match.

    The end is now is about the conflagration.

    The end has come is about what will rise from the ashes.

    ©2014 John Joseph Adams & Hugh Howey (P)2014 John Joseph Adams & Hugh Howey

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