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Couverture de The Daring Duke

The Daring Duke

De : Jess Michaels
Lu par : Danielle O'Farrell
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    The first book of the much anticipated 1797 Club series from USA Today best-selling author Jess Michaels. The dukes are coming!

    The wild and charismatic Duke of Abernathe is the kind of friend anyone would wish to have. He even formed the 1797 Club, consisting of 10 men who would all be dukes. But he has full-throatedly declared he will never marry and no one understands why.

    But Miss Emma Liston doesn't care why. A longtime wallflower with an absentee father who is a scandal waiting to happen, she needs to marry. Now. She decides to take a wild chance and ask the help of her friend Meg's brother James. She asks him to pretend he's interested in her just long enough to gain the attention of others. He agrees, but is quickly taken aback by how easy everything is with Emma.

    When her father returns, threatening her with a terrible future, their courtship swiftly becomes all too real. Will James ever reveal the true man beneath the outer shell? And can Emma discover her own worthiness before it's too late?

    Length: Full-Length (70,000 words)

    Heat Level: Sizzling

    This book is the first in The 1797 Club series.

    ©2017 Jesse Petersen (P)2017 Jesse Petersen

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