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  • The Anti-Aging Guide to Aging Backwards: Learn to Age Well, Age Gracefully and Make It the Happiest Time of Your Life

  • De : Michele Gilbert
  • Lu par : Rich McVicar
  • Durée : 51 min
  • 1,0 out of 5 stars (1 notation)

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The Anti-Aging Guide to Aging Backwards: Learn to Age Well, Age Gracefully and Make It the Happiest Time of Your Life

De : Michele Gilbert
Lu par : Rich McVicar
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    Proven steps and strategies on how to slow down your biological clock and even turn it back.

    Maybe you've already had that moment - the one where you looked in the mirror, and for a second you didn't know who that person was. We've all had that moment, and it happens more often after forty. In your head you are young and blithe, but something unnerving is happening to the outer shell. Sometimes it is happening ahead of schedule - the alarming phenomenon of premature aging.

    We all want to look, act, and feel good for our age. We want to look younger than our friends. We'd like people to be surprised (in a good way) when they learn how old we actually are!

    The minute I find out how to wave a wand and make it happen overnight, I'll tell you. I promise. But this book will tell you how turn the clock back on your appearance, slow the aging process down, and enjoy good looks and vitality in the future; effectively to age backward.

    What you will find in this audiobook:

    • Introduction: Introducing the concept of aging backward
    • Chapter 1: The causes of accelerated aging
    • Chapter 2: Slow down biological aging
    • Chapter 3: Looking younger
    • Chapter 4: Eating for health and energy
    • Chapter 5: Becoming more flexible through exercise
    • Chapter 6: Useful additives and herbal supplements
    • Conclusion: A sound mind in a healthy body
    • Much, much more!

    Turn back the clock...and make this the happiest time of your life!

    ©2015 Michele Gilbert (P)2015 Michele Gilbert

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