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Couverture de Shadows of Self

Shadows of Self

De : Brandon Sanderson
Lu par : Michael Kramer
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    Fans of Robert Jordan and George R. R. Martin alike have found a new champion of epic fantasy in Brandon Sanderson. And now, in the first of two sequels to The Alloy of Law, the Sunday Times and New York Times best-selling author returns to the world of Mistborn.

    It is more than 300 years after the events of the The Final Empire shaped Scadrial. Waxillium Ladrian has returned to the capital city of Elendel from the far-flung roughs.

    Elendel is crisscrossed by canals and railways, and towers reach for the sky, but this is still a city of dangers and of magic; Allomancy and Feruchemy can still change the world. Wax faces many more adventures.

    Sanderson is a master of rich worlds, appealing characters and gripping plots, and his return to Mistborn shows him at the height of his powers.

    ©2015 Dragonsteel Entertainment, LLC (P)2015 Macmillan Audio

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