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Couverture de Secondhand Souls

Secondhand Souls

De : Christopher Moore
Lu par : Fisher Stevens
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    In San Francisco, the souls of the dead are mysteriously disappearing - and you know that can't be good - in New York Times best-selling author Christopher Moore's delightfully funny sequel to A Dirty Job.

    Something really strange is happening in the City by the Bay. People are dying, but their souls are not being collected. Someone - or something - is stealing them. No one knows where they are going or why, but it has something to do with that big orange bridge.

    Death merchant Charlie Asher is just as flummoxed as everyone else. He's trapped in the body of a 14-inch-tall "meat puppet", waiting for his Buddhist nun girlfriend, Audrey, to find him a suitable new body to play host.

    To get to the bottom of this abomination, a motley crew of heroes will band together: the seven-foot-tall death merchant Minty Fresh, retired policeman-turned-bookseller Alphonse Rivera, the emperor of San Francisco and his dogs, and Lily, the former Goth girl. Now if only they can get little Sophie to stop babbling about the coming battle for the very soul of humankind.

    ©2015 Christopher Moore (P)2015 Harper Audio

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