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Couverture de Saga of the Beast

Saga of the Beast

De : David Annandale
Lu par : Tom Alexander, Charles Armstrong, Gareth Armstrong, Ian Brooker, Steve Conlin, Andrew Fettes, Jonathan Keeble, Colleen Prendergast, Jon Rand, Richard Reed
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    A Space Wolves audio drama boxed set.

    In the aftermath of the Thousand Sons' invasion of Fenris, Wolf Lord Ragnar Blackmane is thrown into danger as he hunts a dangerous beast in a quest that will decide the fate of the galaxy.

    Listen to it because: Experience the latest chapter in the saga of Ragnar Blackmane in an all-action full-cast audio drama serial that pits the Young Wolf against one of the greatest – and most terrifying – warriors of the 41st Millennium.

    The story: Glory returns to Fenris. Magnus the Red and his traitorous legion are defeated upon the icy cliffs of the Space Wolves’ home world, their hollow remains scattered into the darkest depths of the World Sea. Yet Ragnar Blackmane, the youngest Wolf Lord in his Chapter’s noble history, does not feel victorious. He is uneasy. Uncertain of his purpose and place in the great war for the Imperium.

    Until a vision strikes him of a terrible beast, one greater than any he or his warriors have faced before. A monster that it is his destiny to confront. The young king throws himself into a quest to meet this fate, for no Space Wolf can turn from the call of his wyrd. Alongside a small band of Space Wolves, Ragnar Blackmane begins what is certain to be an odyssey for the ages, on which will hinge not only the fate of a single warrior, but of the entire galaxy.

    Written by David Annandale. Performed by Tom Alexander, Charles Armstrong, Gareth Armstrong, Ian Brooker, Steve Conlin, Andrew Fettes, Jonathan Keeble, Colleen Prendergast, Jon Rand and Richard Reed.


    Part 1: 'The Call of the Wyrd'

    Part 2: 'The Brotherhood of Fate'

    Part 3: 'The Voyage of the Storm'

    Part 4: 'The Jaws That Split the Sky'

    ©2019 Games Workshop Limited (P)2019 Games Workshop Limited

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