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Couverture de Retreat to the Lakeside Cottage

Retreat to the Lakeside Cottage

De : Erin Green
Lu par : Jenny Bryce, Melanie Crawley, Rosalind Steele
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    If you love Lucy Diamond, Phillipa Ashley, Sue Moorcroft and Holly Martin, you'll LOVE Erin Green's novels of love, life and laughter.

    Welcome to the Lakeside Cottage . . . A place to write, where inspiration awaits . . .

    Five authors have gathered at the idyllic Lakeside Cottage for a retreat, with the promise of peace and dedicated writing time. At least, that's the idea . . .

    Retreat organiser Rula is there to edit, surrounded by like-minded souls. An interloper, especially one with whom she has a past, was certainly not part of her plan.

    Eve has a bad case of writer's block, despite numerous bestsellers under her belt. Can she find new inspiration? Or will she get drawn into the dramas that unfold around her?

    Alice has a deadline looming but is seemingly more interested in anything but writing. And where does she keep disappearing to?

    Daphne is an experienced self-published author, but might she be more unconventional in other ways too?

    And then there's Brontë, the complete novice. She's a mere scribbler, not a 'proper writer' like these other women, and she feels totally out of her depth.

    As the collective word count grows, and their personal stories interweave, each woman finds herself drawn in unexpected and life-changing directions.

    Don't miss the other Lakeside Cottage novels - Summer Dreams at the Lakeside Cottage and Christmas Wishes at the Lakeside Cottage.

    And discover the uplifting Shetland series, beginning with From Shetland, With Love.

    ©2024 Erin Green (P)2024 Headline Publishing Group Limited

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