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Couverture de Pilgrim 6

Pilgrim 6

De : Harmon Cooper
Lu par : Mikael Naramore
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    A former assassin. A forbidden knowledge. The ultimate quest.

    Danzen Ravja never was the type to feel as if he'd figured it all out. Yet as his group heads west to collect Sunyata remnants with the hopes of using them to rebuild a fallen heaven, Danzen at least assumes that he is on the right path.

    But fate has other plans for the former assassin, especially after Danzen comes into contact with a fallen angel who knows more about rebuilding Sunyata than he's letting on.

    To accomplish the tasks set out for him, from collecting mysterious relics to combating the Seven Evils unleashed by his demonic brother, Danzen is going to have to rely on the cultivated power through his echo. How far can he push it? Will he reach the point where he can dissolve the stone?

    The final Evils are going to challenge Danzen in a way that he's yet to be challenged, requiring his strength, his focus, and his cunning to stop them from killing his companions.

    Fatal mistakes will be made if he isn't careful.

    Pilgrim is a bestselling progression fantasy/cultivation series inspired by the Witcher books and games, John Wick films, the Inuyasha anime, the Preacher comics, and the movie Yojimbo.

    ©2022 Harmon Cooper (P)2022 Podium Audio

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