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Couverture de Pep Talks

Pep Talks

De : Ali Dean
Lu par : Stacey Glemboski
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    College isn’t all fun and games, and it gets lonely at the top. Thankfully, I have Pepper. She is the last person I would ever dream of hurting, but when I realize she has the power to break my heart, I do the only thing I know. I push her away like I did back in high school, back when I thought she was better off without me. One thing’s becoming clear: I’m not better off without her. I need her. What have I done?


    I thought everything would fall into place when I started college. Instead, everything is falling apart. Uncertain of my coach’s expectations or my place among new cross country teammates, I’m struggling to redefine my running goals and prove myself. My steady relationship with Jace should be a source of comfort, but his unexplained behavior throws everything between us off-track. Running may be the only way to help me get through it, but I’m not running away - not from this new team or from Jace. This freshman is headed for the finish line, and nothing is standing in my way.

    ©2015 Ali Dean LLC (P)2021 Ali Dean LLC

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