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Couverture de Life Force

Life Force

De : Tony Robbins, Peter H. Diamandis, Robert Hariri
Lu par : Jeremy Bobb, Tony Robbins, Peter Diamandis, Ray Kurzweil, Cassandra Campbell
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    Instant Number One New York Times Best Seller

    Transform your life or the life of someone you love with Life Force - the newest breakthroughs in health technology to help maximize your energy and strength, prevent disease, and extend your health span - from Tony Robbins, author of the number one New York Times best seller Money: Master the Game.

    What if there were scientific solutions that could wipe out your deepest fears of falling ill, receiving a life-threatening diagnosis, or feeling the effects of aging? What if you had access to the same cutting-edge tools and technology used by peak performers and the world’s greatest athletes?

    In a world full of fear and uncertainty about our health, it can be difficult to know where to turn for actionable advice you can trust. Today, leading scientists and doctors in the field of regenerative medicine are developing diagnostic tools and safe and effective therapies that can free you from fear.

    In this book, Tony Robbins, the world’s number one life and business strategist who has coached more than 50 million people, brings you more than 100 of the world’s top medical minds and the latest research, inspiring comeback stories, and amazing advancements in precision medicine that you can apply today to help extend the length and quality of your life.

    This book is the result of Robbins going on his own life-changing journey. After being told that his health challenges were irreversible, he experienced firsthand how new regenerative technology not only helped him heal but made him stronger than ever before.

    Life Force will show you how you can wake up every day with increased energy, a more bulletproof immune system, and the know-how to help turn back your biological clock. This is a book for everyone, from peak performance athletes, to the average person who wants to increase their energy and strength, to those looking for healing. Life Force provides answers that can transform and even save your life, or that of someone you love.

    ©2022 Simon & Schuster, Inc. All rights reserved. (P)2022 Anthony Robbins. All rights reserved.

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Life Force

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    Tony Robbins has always written the best books.

    This book is full of insight and information enough to save a life of and ignite hope to people in difficult health conditions.

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