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Couverture de Her Last Secret

Her Last Secret

De : Barbara Copperthwaite
Lu par : Katie Villa
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    There are some secrets you can never tell.

    The last thing to go through Dominique Thomas's head was the image of her teenage daughter's face and her heart lifted. Then the shot rang out.

    They were the perfect family. Successful businessman Ben Thomas and his wife Dominique live an enviable life, along with their beautiful children: teenager Ruby and quirky younger daughter Mouse.

    But on Christmas Day the police are called to their London home, only to discover a horrific scene: the entire family lying lifeless, victims of an unknown assailant.

    But when Ruby's diary is discovered, revealing her rage at the world around her, police are forced to look closer to home for the key to this tragedy.

    Each family member harboured their own dark truths - but has keeping their secrets pushed Ruby to the edge of sanity? Or are there darker forces at work?

    This dark, gripping psychological thriller will have you holding your breath until the very last minute. Fans of Behind Closed Doors, Sometimes I Lie, and The Girl on the Train will be captivated.

    ©2017 Barbara Copperthwaite (P)2017 Bookouture


    "Compelling, claustrophobic and horribly believable - a great read!" (B. A. Paris, author of Behind Closed Doors)

    Ce que les auditeurs disent de Her Last Secret

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