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Couverture de Circle of Shadows

Circle of Shadows

De : Evelyn Skye
Lu par : Eileen Stevens
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    A thrilling new fantasy series full of magic and betrayal - from Evelyn Skye, New York Times best-selling author of the Crown’s Game series.

    Sora can move as silently as a ghost and hurl throwing stars with lethal accuracy. Her gemina, Daemon, can win any physical fight blindfolded and with an arm tied around his back. They are apprentice warriors of the Society of Taigas - marked by the gods to be trained in magic and the fighting arts to protect the kingdom of Kichona.

    As their graduation approaches, Sora and Daemon look forward to proving themselves worthy of belonging in the elite group - but in a kingdom free of violence since the Blood Rift Rebellion many years ago, it’s been difficult to make their mark.

    So when Sora and Daemon encounter a strange camp of mysterious soldiers while on a standard scouting mission, they decide the only thing to do to help their kingdom is to infiltrate the group. Taking this risk will change Sora’s life forever - and lead her on a mission of deception that may fool everyone she’s ever loved.

    Love, spies, and adventure abound as Sora and Daemon unravel a complex web of magic and secrets that might tear them - and the entire kingdom - apart forever.

    ©2019 Evelyn Skye (P)2019 HarperCollins Publishers

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