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Couverture de Annie and the Ripper

Annie and the Ripper

De : Tim Champlin
Lu par : CC Hogan
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    1888, Whitechapel. Jack the Ripper terrorizes prostitutes and baffles Scotland Yard; 1888, London. Annie Oakley thrills audiences of Buffalo Bill's Wild West Show with her expert marksmanship. The Ripper may have picked the wrong target in this fascinating retelling of Jack the Ripper's reign of terror...with a western twist.

    A mentally unbalanced killer who slashes throats and eviscerates his victims is stalking the Whitechapel district of London's East End. Whitechapel, with its odors of unlimed outhouses, cabbage, cigars, coalsmoke and fish; Whitechapel, with its boarding houses and casual wards, its impoverished working people, its prostitutes. Full moon, dense fog, shrill whistles from Bobbies on the beat; Hansom cabs, horses' hooves clopping along wet cobblestones. The chills run up your back as you look over your shoulder into the dark for the crazy Ripper with the long, sharp knife. This blend of fact and fiction will keep you resisting to pause long after bedtime as the story unfolds in gaslit, Victorian London.

    ©2013 Tim Champlin (P)2020 David N. Wilson

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