Joselyn Vaughn

Joselyn Vaughn

I live in the Great Lakes state with my husband, three rambunctious children and one geriatric beagle. When not cleaning up the disasters left by the aforementioned, I enjoy reading, running (sometimes it's fleeing the craziness at home), reconstructing clothing, thrift store shopping and surfing (I spend way too much time there and am getting all kinds of exciting ideas for projects for my husband to do. He is less than thrilled by this.) I love writing romance because I enjoy stories where everything works out all right in the end and the main characters have a happily ever after. My stories are set in small towns with quirky characters that take on a life of their own. I would love to hear from you. Stop by my blog ( or connect with me on Facebook ( Books available: Sparking a Change (Astraea Press) - Only available at Http:// Climbing Heartbreak Hill (Astraea Press) The Warden's Lantern (Astraea Press) Hauntings of the Heart (Astraea Press) Sucker for a Hot Rod (Astraea Press) Courting Sparks (Avalon Books) CEOs Don't Cry (Avalon Books) Writing Awards: ***CEOs Don't Cry made the Bestsellers List for Contemporary Romance on Amazon UK. ***CEOs Don't Cry tied for first in the Wisconsin RWA Write Touch Contest for single title contemporary romance. ***CEOs Don't Cry is also a finalist in the Traditional category of the Booksellers' Best Award from the Greater Detroit RWA. ***CEOs Don't Cry is a finalist in the USA Book News 2010 Best Book Award for Romance.
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