Healing Karma

1 titres dans la série
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Heal Your Family Karma: Release the Seven Shadows Description

This book is designed as a self-study course for those who wish to heal family dysfunction in the past, present, and future. You will learn how to heal the seven shadows that show up in every family, ancestry, and lineage, using a four-step process of divine and shamanic work that releases the family wound for all generations.

This book offers step-by-step instruction for intensive healing—it is serious spiritual work. If you are curious about a new way to create healing in your family, without having to engage directly with family members—this book will teach you the technique of soul-to-soul healing via distance. This book deals with karma, past lives, reincarnation, ancestry, and the seven shadows that are in every family.

©2014 Sara Wiseman (P)2023 Sara Wiseman
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    Prix : 3,55 € ou 1 crédit audio

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