
  • Voices of Valor: Unfiltered American Discourse
    May 23 2024


    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,And to the Republic for which it stands,One nation, under God, indivisible, With liberty and justice for all.

    [00:15] Voices of Valor: Unfiltered American Discourse

    3 11


    This podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.

    Conversations from the Frontline: Military Service, Media Skepticism, and American Ideals

    The script presents a conversation between two individuals discussing a variety of topics, ranging from personal military service experiences, and reflections on the value of questioning mainstream media narratives, to broader discussions on American ideals and government. Throughout the conversation, there's a critique of how modern media consumption can lead to a lack of critical thinking, with an emphasis on the importance of independence in thought and skepticism towards mainstream news sources. The discussion also touches on historical examples of propaganda, the role of laws, and the distinction between loving one's country and disagreeing with its government. Additionally, the conversation explores personal anecdotes relating to military service and the challenge of navigating a world full of misinformation and bias. The hosts advocate for using independent sources and podcasts for more accurate information, highlighting the significance of taking individual responsibility to seek out truth and challenge prevailing narratives. The dialog concludes with a statement about the essence of America as an idea and a dream, urging listeners to appreciate and critically engage with the foundational principles of freedom and governance.

    00:00 Getting Started: The Setup and Initial Banter

    00:45 Military Stories and Personal Reflections

    01:52 The Art of Going to Jail: A Humorous Take

    02:47 Navigating the World of Misinformation and Media Bias

    06:59 Historical Perspectives and the Importance of Truth

    14:57 The American Dream and Government Overreach

    23:42 The Power of Independent Journalism and Podcasts

    26:06 Closing Thoughts and Humor

    27:18 Signing Off: A Farewell to Listeners

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    29 min
  • Weapons, Fitness, and Community: Keys to Survival
    May 20 2024


    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,And to the Republic for which it stands,One nation, under God, indivisible, With liberty and justice for all.

    [00:15] Weapons, Fitness, and Community: Keys to Survival

    3 10


    This podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.

    In the 10th episode of Season 3 of the Constitution Commandos podcast, hosts Chris and Patrick Williams delve into essential survival skills, emphasizing the importance of weapons, fitness, and community. The episode covers practical tips for starting fires without matches or lighters, using experiences from their own attempts to kindle fire with wet materials. Highlighting the dangers of relying on lighters, they encourage practicing survival skills in uncomfortable situations to improve. The discussion extends to the significance of knowing how to purify water, clean hunted animals, and the overarching theme of preparedness for any situation, especially in the face of potential disasters like an EMP. They advocate for learning and practicing survival skills before they become a necessity, the importance of situational awareness, and building a supportive community for survival. The episode encourages listener engagement and emphasizes the value of sharing knowledge and experiences to foster a sense of unity and preparedness among listeners.

    00:00 Welcome to the Constitution Commandos Podcast

    00:44 Survival Skills: Mastering Fire Without Matches

    01:58 Learning from Experience: The Importance of Practice

    03:25 Navigating the Wilderness: Land Navigation Skills

    05:42 Preparedness for the Unexpected: EMPs and Survival Skills

    13:26 Building Community and Sharing Knowledge

    14:59 Embracing Feedback and Learning Together

    20:21 Conclusion and Invitation for Feedback

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    21 min
  • Defensive Strategies and Personal Safety
    May 16 2024


    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,And to the Republic for which it stands,One nation, under God, indivisible, With liberty and justice for all.

    [00:15]Defensive Strategies and Personal Safety

    3 9


    This podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.

    This episode delves into the complexities of personal safety both in public spaces and crowded venues, emphasizing the exponential increase in hazards one might face when stepping outside the private domain. The speakers share their personal decisions to avoid large gatherings due to potential risks from diverse threats, including cultural differences and public violence. They discuss the importance of situational awareness, the utility of self-defense tools (like blades or improvised weapons), and the benefits of physical fitness in enhancing one's ability to handle stressful situations. The discussion also covers the strategies for minimizing victimization, such as moving in groups and being aware of one's surroundings at all times, including while driving. The episode highlights the role of martial arts training in developing confidence and the ability to defuse potentially dangerous situations. It wraps up with advice on everyday preparedness, including communication strategies for ensuring one's safety and the importance of availability and proficiency with multiple defensive tools.

    00:00 Navigating Public Spaces: A New Hazard

    01:21 The Risks of Crowded Venues and Personal Safety Measures

    02:01 Everyday Vigilance: From Restaurants to Public Gatherings

    04:18 Situational Awareness: The Ultimate Defense

    17:04 Physical Fitness and Self-Defense: Enhancing Personal Safety

    24:36 Practical Tips for Personal Protection

    30:52 Concluding Thoughts on Personal Safety

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    31 min
  • A Commandos Journey into the World of Airsoft
    May 13 2024


    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,And to the Republic for which it stands,One nation, under God, indivisible, With liberty and justice for all.

    [00:15] A Commandos Journey into the World of Airsoft

    3 8


    This podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.

    The script is a dialogue between individuals discussing their experiences and opinions on various types of ammunition and firearms, touching on the limitations of different bullet grains and the quality of rifle barrels. The conversation shifts towards airsoft as an affordable and engaging way to simulate combat, emphasizing the importance of finding equipment that suits one's needs without overspending. The speakers explore local airsoft arenas and shops, mentioning specific locations and advocating for the benefits of airsoft in tactical training and community building. They also discuss the importance of personal gear in airsoft and conclude with plans to investigate and participate in local airsoft activities.

    00:00 Introduction to Personal Firearm Preferences

    01:07 Choosing the Right Weapon: Personalization and Advice

    02:56 Transition to Airsoft: Exploring a New Hobby

    04:30 Discovering Local Airsoft Opportunities

    06:06 Planning for Airsoft Gear and Strategy

    12:41 Community and Team Dynamics in Airsoft

    14:09 Exploring Local Airsoft Venues and Community Engagement

    20:24 Final Thoughts and Next Steps

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    24 min
  • Gear Up for Tactical Training Armed With Airsoft
    May 9 2024


    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,And to the Republic for which it stands,One nation, under God, indivisible, With liberty and justice for all.

    [00:15] Gear Up for Tactical Training Armed With Airsoft

    3 7



    The script captures a conversation focusing on the importance of challenging oneself to improve skills, using the context of pool playing and airsoft competitions. It narrates how seeking opponents of higher skill levels aids in personal growth and how engaging in airsoft provides a platform for honing tactical skills, particularly in night conditions using night vision equipment. Additionally, it touches on experiences with military-grade equipment, comparing various night vision models and discussing the adaptation to civilian purposes, including budget considerations. The discussion also extends to preference in firearms, emphasizing the value of training, familiarity with equipment, and suitable gear choices based on individual needs and financial capabilities.

    00:00 Opening Thoughts on Improvement and Challenges

    00:27 Discovering Airsoft: A New Hobby on the Horizon

    01:10 Deep Dive into Night Vision Gear and Military Memories

    01:31 Evaluating Shopping Options for Tactical Gear

    07:37 The Practicality of Night Vision in Survival Situations

    09:39 Investing in Firearms: Balancing Cost and Quality

    14:45 Personal Proficiency and Weapon Familiarity

    16:16 Closing Thoughts on Weapon Choice and Comfort

    Show Research Links

    • Competency Versus Familiarity » Trident Concepts
    • First Time Gun Buyers Guide
    • Night Vision Goggles: Moving from Military to Modern Day Applications – USC Viterbi School of Engineering
    • Using night vision devices when SHTF. How to use the devices, where to find them and why they are needed during the apocalypse.
    • Your Guide to The Cost of Airsoft Tactical Gear – Tactical Distributors
    • Airsoft Fields | The Official List of Airsoft Fields in the US

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    This podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    54 min
  • American Spirit: Reviving the Warrior Within
    May 6 2024
    The Constitution Commandos

    3 6


    This podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.


    I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,And to the Republic for which it stands,One nation, under God, indivisible, With liberty and justice for all.

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    22 min
  • Adapt and Survive: Essential Skills for Post-Disaster Scenarios
    May 2 2024
    The Pledge of AllegianceI pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,And to the Republic for which it stands,One nation, under God, indivisible, With liberty and justice for all.

    Adapt and Survive: Essential Skills for Post-Disaster Scenarios


    3 5

    This podcast is hosted by Captivate, try it yourself for free.

    Surviving a Post-EMP Scenario: Weapons, Skills, and Community Building

    This episode explores survival tactics in a world after an electromagnetic pulse (EMP) event, stressing the need for cautious weapon use because of limited ammunition and the dangers of creating noise. It encourages mastering the skill of fire-making without contemporary tools, emphasizing personal efforts and the benefits of practicing age-old techniques. The discussion also covers the pitfalls of navigation mistakes and the importance of situational awareness, highlighting essential survival skills such as water purification and fire creation.

    The dialogue pivots on the crucial role of community in survival contexts, emphasizing the necessity for collective support and the exchange of survival knowledge. The hosts advocate for active participation and the dissemination of survival skills among listeners, with the goal of cultivating a community ready for any emergency situation.

    00:00 Introduction to Post-EMP Survival Strategies

    00:05: The Importance of Primitive Weaponry and Ammo Conservation

    01:29 Mastering Fire Starting Without Modern Tools

    03:55: Survival Skills Beyond Fire Starting

    11:26 The Value of Community and Feedback in Survival Situations

    17:10 Closing Thoughts and Invitation for Listener Engagement

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    18 min
  • Ready for Anything: Fitness, Nutrition, and Prepping
    Apr 29 2024
    Ready for Anything: Fitness, Nutrition, and Essential Prepping

    In this episode of 'The Constitution Commandos', hosts Chris and Patrick Williams delve into the importance of physical fitness, proper nutrition, and being prepared for emergencies through prepping. They discuss how physical and mental health are interconnected, emphasizing the benefits of exercise and a good diet on memory and mental focus.

    The conversation shifts to practical advice on prepping, including the necessity of a go-bag, its ideal weight, and the significance of being able to carry it comfortably for extended periods. They also cover the importance of preparing for the unexpected, such as an EMP (Electromagnetic Pulse) attack, and stress the value of community, knowing one's neighbors, and the essentials of survival gear.

    Tips on foot care, the importance of breaking in new shoes, and considering the physical capabilities of all family members in survival situations are shared. The episode concludes with a discussion on self-defense, the value of primitive weapons, and strategies for survival in chaotic scenarios.

    00:00 Opening Pledge and Introduction

    00:13 Ready for Anything: Fitness, Nutrition, and Prepping

    00:41 The Importance of Physical Fitness and Nutrition

    02:31 Prepping Essentials: The Go Bag

    02:55 Rucking: A Practical Prepping Exercise

    09:26 Choosing the Right Gear and Footwear

    11:31 Medical Supplies and Redundancy in Prepping

    14:26 Community and Survival Strategies

    14:56 Navigating an EMP Scenario

    27:14 Defense and Weaponry in Survival Situations

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    33 min