
  • Welcome to Roll Your Own Adventure
    Apr 5 2020

    Hello there! Come in, get comfortable, and welcome to Roll Your Own Adventure. It’s an improvised storytelling podcast with a heavy dose of audience interaction. Follow five friends as they journey into the mysterious realm of Raylia using nothing but their wits, some dice, a vague and nebulous understanding of D&D… And you! Our listeners!

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    2 min
  • 00 // Hi, Hello, and How'dyoudo
    May 5 2020

    Welcome! We’re setting forth on a grand adventure with nothing but our wits, some mics, and you! Our listeners! If you’re interested in who we are and who our characters are, this is the episode for you, but if you'd prefer to dive straight into the story then venture onwards dear traveller - The Mallow Marshes await…

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    25 min
  • 01 // The Mallow Marshes
    May 5 2020

    Two teenagers, a frog, and a three-hundred year old gnome walk into the Mallow Marshes… and it only gets weirder from there. Meet our fearful adventurers as they set out on their quest for mushrooms, a bed roll, and perhaps some tolerance for one another. Only one thing’s for sure - they’ll pack pruning shears for their next adventure.

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    1 h et 10 min
  • 02 // The Aylar Ruins
    May 5 2020

    So you’ve fallen through a magical portal and now you don’t know what to do? Don’t worry - we’re here to help. Facing levers, doors, chests, some questionable dancing, and a small wooden bear, our adventurers make their way through their first dungeon (not quite as quickly as our DM had hoped). Guess there’s no TIME for our adventurers to turn back now!

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    1 h et 14 min
  • 03 // Discovering Raylia
    May 19 2020

    Welcome to Raylia! Our adventurers have levelled up, and they could use those new skills to work out what they’re doing here, but first Brynnleigh finds a bed, Ka’Met does his best impression of Pocahontas, Mazj tries desperately to move the plot along, and Rustle is just… Rustle. And we can’t tell you why, but you’ll be very familiar with shipping containers by the end of this episode…

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    1 h et 23 min
  • 04 // Making Friends
    Jun 2 2020

    This week, Mazj and Rustle go off on their own adventures, and while Mazj quickly proves she’s the friendliest of the group, Rustle shows us that he probably shouldn’t be left to his own devices. Will Mazj learn more about the magic that may or may not run through her? Will Rustle save a dangerous bird from death* or die trying? Find out in this week's episode!

    *No animals were harmed in the recording of this podcast.

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    55 min
  • 05 // The Princess and the Frog
    Jun 9 2020

    This is a very relaxing episode. While Ka’met has a carefree morning on the clifftop where nothing at all goes wrong, Brynnleigh has tea and reads some books. What tales of high adventure! Of intrigue! Of translating texts and watching butterflies!

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    1 h et 3 min
  • 06 // Into the Woods
    Jun 23 2020

    This week our adventurers remember the golden rules of primary school: how to tell time, adults are always watching (even when you think they’re not), and stick with your buddy! They’re heading into the woods through a high ropes jungle gym, but what happens if they lose the only way out? Also, a new buddy joins the party!

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    1 h et 1 min