
  • Mark Berger Chicago: Tips for Assimilating Aging
    May 20 2021

    If there is something that does not modify the fact of gaining years, it is the value of the individual in society. Older people continue to have the need to relate to their environment, to feel active and to make decisions for themselves. Mark Berger Chicago, CEO of Villa Healthcare indicates that while many of their capacities are being diminished, it is the responsibility of caregivers and family members to provide them with their space and make them feel useful.

    Affection, empathy and the promotion of autonomy are essential aspects to face the elderly with enthusiasm, health and a positive attitude. The change of role in the community, in the family or in the workplace (retirement) cannot mean the loss of expectations. This process of transformation is much healthier when it develops from the perspective of integration and participation, not from isolation and loneliness.

    Today, Mark Berger Chicago will share some tips for assimilating aging.

    Tips for assimilating aging: dealing with changes in the elderly with empathy

    “Nobody said it was simple. You also learn to grow old. And it is not an exclusive task of the elderly but of the entire environment, which must also be prepared to face changes in the elderly with the appropriate tools,” indicates Mark Berger Chicago.

    The success of the process is assured when you have the support of empathetic family members and caregivers. Do you know how to deal with older people? Here, Mark Berger Chicago gives you some useful tips:

    Assess the assistance needs of your family member or the person in your charge. The objective is not to replace their capacities but to promote their autonomy, understanding that where there is a limit there is always an alternative.

    Create routines. Seniors get along better when older adults have defined schedules and there is a certain order in the course of the day. According to Mark Berger Chicago, creating routines will keep them active, safe, and motivated.

    Monitor their health. Diet, medication, hygiene, food... The progress of the natural deterioration of the body and mind slows down when the elderly are in good health. Make an effort to understand their preferences and manage their limitations wisely.

    Promotes participation and communication. Make the older person feel part of the reality in which they live. Listen to her opinions, provide her with the tools to express them and show interest in them.

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    4 min