
  • Being in FLOW
    Mar 25 2024

    If you would like to join a group of positive individuals, please find us over at Mighty Networks under Passion into Purpose Community.

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    10 min
  • You are a MAGNET!
    Mar 15 2024

    Join our community of others who are manifesting their dreams and seeing success in record time!

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    9 min
  • Under the Influence
    Mar 7 2024

    Hey y’all! Brooke Benevento here with the” Hi, it's me. I’m the problem podcast!”

    I am so excited that you have decided to spend the next 10 min with me. My intention for this podcast is to inspire others to live a life worth living. My greatest hope is that when you tune in to listen to these podcasts, you feel a little better than you did before you pushed play.

    I named this podcast “Hi, it's me! I’m the problem” because when I heard those lyrics for the first time by Taylor Swift, something shifted inside of me, and I knew then that I was the problem. I realized that if I wanted my life to be different, I would have to take responsibility for myself and my actions and that it was time to make a serious transformation within myself.

    The first part of my transformation started with becoming Certified through the Think and Grow Rich Institute, and with my mentor's help, I transformed my life. Now, here I sit, a completely different woman, ready to share what I’ve learned with the world.

    So, with all that said, let's get into today’s topic.

    Today, we are going to discuss “what you might be under the influence of.”

    Naturally, when we think of being under the influence, we automatically think of alcohol or drugs.

    But, let's for a moment dive in a little deeper into the meaning of under the influence in a more broader sense.

    I think we could all agree that being under the influence also means that we are being affected or controlled by something

    Alright, Let me condense it down a little more.

    Being under the influence is the act of being affected or controlled

    Alright, now let's for a moment trade out being under the influence of alcohol and drugs for something else.

    Maybe we pour ourselves a cup of doubt about whether our parents are proud of us.

    Or maybe it’s a cup of discouragement from our friend’s opinions of us and our ideas?

    Maybe it’s a shot of fear from the nightly news?

    Or is it a cup of unworthiness from your teacher who says you will never amount to anything?

    Could it be a cup of low self-image from a book or magazine you are currently reading?

    Or maybe it’s a double shot of stress and anxiety that you get from binge-watching Netflix and scrolling through social media for hours on end.

    So what is it? What are you under the influence of? What are you being affected or controlled by? What in your everyday life dictates your thoughts, feelings, and actions?

    Maybe you're shaking your head up and down right now in agreeance with some of the things I have said. You can now see,… you have become aware that these people and these things have you under the influence of some pretty negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions.

    Congratulations, you have gained awareness! This is the first step to a whole new life.

    Now, here comes the fun part…you now have the choice to bury your head back in the sand or take the next steps forward and open your awareness a little bit more.

    Like I always say this is a learning podcast.

    I will always leave you with a helpful tip on regaining control of yourself and becoming what you have always dreamt of one day being.

    Here are 7 things we can do to change what influences us,…what affects us,… and what controls us?

    1. We become aware that we need a chang

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    8 min
  • I feel STUCK!
    Feb 29 2024

    Hey y’all! Brooke Benevento here with the” Hi, it's me. I’m the problem podcast!”

    I am so excited that you have decided to spend the next 10 min with me. My intention for this podcast is to inspire others to live a life worth living. My greatest hope is that when you tune in to listen to these podcasts, you feel a little better than you did before you pushed play.

    I named this podcast “Hi, it's me! I’m the problem” because when I heard those lyrics for the first time by Taylor Swift, something shifted inside of me, and I knew then that I was the problem. I realized that if I wanted my life to be different, I would have to take responsibility for myself and my actions and that it was time to make a serious transformation within myself.

    The first part of my transformation started with becoming Certified through the Think and Grow Rich Institute, and with my mentor's help, I transformed my life. Now, here I sit, a completely different woman, ready to share what I’ve learned with the world.

    So, with all that said, let's get into today’s topic.

    Today, I want to talk about feeling stuck. I spent 20 years feeling stuck. And While I was stuck, I thought I was the only woman in the world who felt like this. I mean, every other woman around me seemed to have it all together. Not until I started coaching women did I realize that this feeling wasn’t just me…a lot of women were feeling stuck.

    Before we get into it Let’s first clarify what the definition of the word stuck means.

    Stuck is being trapped and unable to move or make progress.

    Yup, that sounds about right, doesn’t it?

    But if we break this down a little bit further, we can see that it is most likely not our body that is keeping us trapped and unable to move or make progress, but that it is rather our mind that keeps us trapped.

    And what does our mind hold? Yup, you guessed it, our thoughts. Have you ever heard the saying thoughts become things? So, in other words, our dominant thoughts and our dominant words become our materialized reality.

    And Because you can't actually feel any emotion or speak any words without first thinking a thought…this means that if we were to write the definition of “feeling stuck” I think we could all agree that it would sound something like this.

    I feel stuck because I have thoughts that make me feel trapped and unable to move or make progress and I confirm this with using the words “I feel Stuck”

    Let me say it again in case you missed it.

    I feel stuck because I have thoughts that make me feewl trapped and unable to move or make progress and I confirm this with using the words “I feel stuck.”

    Wow…doesn’t that give you a better perspective of what’s going on when you say I’m feeling stuck?

    So, the key is if we change our thoughts and our words, we can then get unstuck!

    Alright, so let's talk about how we can change our thoughts to help us get out of feeling stuck.

    1. First, we must become aware that what we are saying and the words we are using are materializing in our reality. If we want to get unstuck we have to change the thoughts and the words.

    2. You only believe that you are stuck because you have had the same thought and spoken the same words, “I feel stuck” on repeat over and over and over again, and now you have grown to believe that you are stuck. When, in fact, you are not stuck. You just have to change your thoughts. So instead of having “I am feeling stuck” on repeat” Put “I know what I want” on repeat instead. It’s obvious that what you

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    7 min
  • Just Do it!
    Feb 22 2024

    Today, we will talk about Self-Image and how we can conquer it.

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    7 min