
  • S3 E4 - Stephanie Sharp - Effective Negotiation
    Aug 12 2019

    As an attorney to healthcare  professionals, Stephanie, among other things, advises professionals on the art of negotiation. While the term “negotiation” sounds scary and intimidating to many, Stephanie argues that, whether we realize it or not, we negotiate in our daily lives when we’re in meetings, when we’re arguing a point, when we’re submitting a proposal. 

    Of course, we also negotiate when it comes to making a large purchase, like buying a home or car, and when signing contracts. How often have professionals left money on the table because they were afraid to negotiate, afraid to ask for what they believe they’re worth, afraid to bargain for what they really want? 

    No one  wants to be viewed as difficult or disruptive. This is especially true of women. Stephanie invites us to shift the way we think about negotiation. Rather than being disruptive, we should view negotiation as a chance to learn and to push forward the things that matter to us. 

    Stephanie shares how we can be more effective in our negotiations and how senior professionals can serve those more junior by offering insight and support. Stephanie and I also talk about traits of good leaders and why adaptability is such an important one, especially for those in the healthcare fields.   

    In today’s episode you’ll learn:
    • About Stephanie’s background
    • Why you might need to have a paradigm shift regarding negotiation
    • Why physicians often feel sheepish about negotiating
    • Why negotiation is usually extra-challenging for women
    • How to be prepared to negotiate
    • Why it’s crucial that leaders be adaptable, especially those in healthcare
    • About Stephanie’s view of self-care    
    • The traits of the best performing professionals
    • What can derail a leader
    • Stephanie’s bio at McGrath North
    • Lewis Howes’ podcast, School of Greatness
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    44 min
  • S3 E5 - Josh White - Coach’s Corner - Elevating Performance with Coaching
    Aug 19 2019

    Today we’re speaking with Josh White for the third installment of the Coach’s Corner. Today we cover what coaching is, what it isn’t, and why so many companies have seen that it pays to provide employees with coaching. The bottom line is companies get better performance, better teamwork, and increased accountability when coaching is involved. Having someone in your life who is dedicated to giving feedback, committed to your success...well, it’s priceless.

    But don’t think that the coach does the work for you. Hardly. Having a coach to point  you in the right direction is only part of the battle. The heavy lifting has to be done by the coachee. So don’t kid yourself. No sense in employing the help of a coach unless you’re ready to roll up your sleeves, hear the hard truth about yourself, and take the (oftentimes) painful steps that lead to change.

    In today’s episode, Josh and I talk about what makes a good coach, what a coach-coachee relationship looks like, how a coach can help you through setbacks and challenges, and when/why you might want to hire a coach.

    In today’s episode you’ll learn:
    • What is coaching
    • Why it pays for employers to provide coaching services for their employers
    • What a coach-coachee relationship is like
    • How to find a good coach
    • The ways a coach can push/challenge the coachee
    • About paying for coaching versus seeking advice from your support circle
    • Lightbox
    • Find Josh at Goosmann Law, LinkedIn, and Twitter
    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    26 min
  • S3 E6 - Sasha Shillcutt, MD, MS, Founder of Brave Enough - #MoreThanOne
    Aug 26 2019

    We all know there’s a gender gap. You may have already taken steps to make sure there’s a woman on your committee, that there’s a woman or person of color candidate for the new job, that there’s a woman on you executive team. You may be wondering, “What else can I do?”

    Well, there is something. There’s one step we can all take to better level the playing field. Dr. Sasha Shillcutt, anesthesiologist and founder of the CME, Brave Enough, gives us a preview of the More Than One campaign that will be introduced at the upcoming Brave Enough Conference. 

    And what is that step we can all take? It’s to invite more than one woman to sit on your board, to speak at your conference, to participate in your research, to attend your meeting... 

    Research shows that when more than one woman is in the room, participation among minority groups increases. When more than one is present, it sends a clear message that minority voices matter. You’ll get more engagement, more perspectives, a better bottom line -- it’s just better all around for all involved.  

    In today’s episode you’ll learn:
    • About Dr. Sasha Shillcutt
    • About the Brave Enough Conference
    • About the More Than One campaign
    • About Sasha’s research around gender equity
    • How you can get involved
    • Brave Enough 
    • More Than One
    • Sasha on Twitter
    • RUBraveEnough on Twitter
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    24 min
  • S3 E7 - Nicole Bianchi - Bravership
    Sep 9 2019

    Brave -- it’s not a quality we often hear in business and leadership, but it’s the quality that Nicole Bianchi, founder of Bravium Human Development, believes is most lacking in today’s leaders. In a culture that’s enamored by the myth of perfectionism, we shouldn’t be surprised that most of us, while we know in theory that failure is an integral part of growth, tend to only give lip service to the idea that failure is our friend. It’s easy to say but very difficult to actively embrace. 

    In today’s episode, Nicole introduces us to the concept of bravership -- a combination of bravery and leadership -- and why it’s so needed in our institutions today. We discuss learned fears and how coaches can help us break out of patterns that are holding us -- and our institutions -- back. Nicole explains why she believes you should choose your own coach and why she currently has two coaches in her life.

    We also discuss purpose, community, and the habits and practices of the most effective leaders Nicole knows -- and how all of this ties into bravership.

    In today’s episode you’ll learn:
    • About Nicole’s background
    • About Bravium
    • About bravership
    • About learned fears and what to do about them
    • About coaching myths
    • Why you should choose your own coach
    • About the importance of purpose and community 
    • Bravium Human Development
    • Essentialism: The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown
    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    42 min
  • Kelly Cawcutt, MD, MS — on Imposter Syndrome
    Sep 16 2019

    Dr. Kelly Cawcutt was a guest on the Growth Edge a few weeks ago, and -- lucky us -- she’s back for an encore interview. This time we’re discussing imposter syndrome. 

    Let’s set the scene. Kelly had been invited to give a speech in her area of expertise. As she was being introduced prior to the speech, she didn’t recognize the list of credentials and accomplishments of the upcoming speaker as her own. It became clear to her that there had been some mistake. The audience was expecting to hear from someone else! Panic set in. 

    When she saw that the credentials were read from her own CV, Kelly realized she had a serious thought distortion around her successes and accomplishments. 

    Since then, Kelly has become an authority on imposter syndrome. In today’s episode, we learn what it is, how to recognize it in yourself and others, who is at risk for imposter syndrome, and why it’s important to recognize it and nip it in the bud. We also learn why it’s so important that we, as a culture, normalize failure, and why we’ll all be better for it. 

    In today’s episode you’ll learn:
    • About imposter syndrome
    • The risk factors of imposter syndrome
    • How to recognize imposter syndrome
    • Why it’s important that we normal and share our failures with others


    • Find Kelly on Twitter and LinkedIn
    • Kelly’s blog, Paragonfire
    • Kelly’s bio at UNMC
    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    34 min
  • Jagi Gill, MD, PhD — on the Realities of Entrepreneurship
    Sep 23 2019

    Why would anyone leave a position at Mayo Clinic to do something new? Does that actually happen in real life? That's exactly what Dr. Jagi Gill did when he joined Boston Scientific and later launched and sold a sports medicine company. Today he's part of the leadership team of Acumed and is improving patients' lives by combining medicine, business, and technology.    

    In today's episode, you get to hear about Jagi's fascinating career path and about what it's really like to be an entrepreneur. He's convinced that entrepreneurship is not for everyone and helps you know if it might be a good fit for you and your personality . 

    He warns that while the highs are high, the lows are low. The entrepreneurial path is riddled with self-doubt. He discusses how to deal with the self-doubt, how to seek genuine support, and how to ignore the naysayers.

    Dr. Gill and I also discuss the importance of finding what brings you joy, why having a supportive community is critical for entrepreneurs, and how to avoid burnout.

    In today’s episode you’ll learn:
    • About Dr. Gill’s career path
    • How to know if entrepreneurship might be right for you
    • How to deal with self-doubt
    • The role of joy in work
    • What it’s like to be an entrepreneur
    • Dr. Jagi Gill’s bio at Acumed
    • Good to Great: Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t by Jim Collins
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    42 min
  • Carol Friesen, FHFMA — Creating Your Own Opportunities
    Sep 30 2019

    Today Carol is the northern region CEO for OSF HealthCare in Illinois. She started out in -- wait for it -- finance. Carol’s career path is an atypical and varied one, and she got where she is today by seizing opportunities that were both obvious and not so obvious. Some of her most valuable experience came from her time serving in professional organizations. 

    In today’s episode, Carol makes a strong case for serving in professional organizations to not only build your network but also to gain valuable leadership skills. It’s a way to gain experience, apart from your day job, that will prepare you for your next career move. Instead of waiting for your next career opportunity to come to you, you can create opportunities by gaining invaluable experience in voluntary roles.

    Carol and I also discuss how to foster diversity in the workplace and why diversity will help build more nimble institutions. We also discuss how to develop resilience and how to make self-care a top priority, especially during stressful times.   

    In today’s episode you’ll learn:
    • About Carol’s unique career path
    • How to prepare yourself to level up to the next leadership role
    • How serving in professional organizations can help you gain valuable leadership experience  
    • How to nurture diversity in organizations
    • Practical tips for building resilience and practicing self-care 
    • Connect with Carol on LinkedIn and Twitter
    • Dare to Lead by Brené Brown
    • Books by John Maxwell
    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    45 min
  • #WIMSummit 2019 Behind the Scenes -- Shikha Jain, MD, FACP
    Oct 7 2019

    Recorded at the 2019 Women in Medicine Summit, Dr. Shikha Jain, course cofounder and codirector, gives us an overview of the Summit, why it exists, why it matters, and what it means for Monday morning when you’re back at the office.  Dr. Jain shares a review of the first day of the summit, the speakers, and the key takeaways of their messages.

    Dr. Jain also introduces us to the Gender Moonshot campaign, a directory of initiatives promoting women in healthcare. It’s a place for women and HeForShes to find and promote resources and initiatives.  

    In today’s episode you’ll learn:

    • About the Women in Medicine Summit
    • Why networking and community building is important
    • Highlights from the first day of the summit 
    • About the Gender Moonshot campaign
    • Women in Medicine Summit
    • The Gender Moonshot
    • Dr. Jain on Twitter
    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    19 min