
  • Journaling Journeys: Nourishing the Soul with Coach LA and Latonia Francois
    May 23 2024

    🔥 Brace yourself for an electrifying episode of Conversations with Coach LA featuring the incredible Latonia Francois, CEO of Let’s Write Life! 📻 Don't miss out – stream it live on iHeartRadio and all major platforms for an empowering chat on mastering mental health and self-care through journaling. Let's embark on this transformative journey to Write Life together! 💫 #ConversationsWithCoachLA #LatoniaFrancois #SelfCare

    1. How has journaling impacted your mental health and self-care routine?

    2. What specific techniques or prompts do you find most effective in your journaling practice for maintaining mental wellness?

    3. Do you believe that sharing personal journal entries or insights with others can help promote empathy and understanding within communities? Why or why not?

    More about tonight's guest:

    Latonia Francois, CEO Of Let’s Write Life | Journaling and Wellness Educator, Personal Development Program Director, Author, Speaker, Mental and Maternal Health Advocate, Business Consultant, Hope Advocate

LATONIA FRANCOIS is the Trailblazing Owner of Let’s Write Life; a faith-based personal development and wellness company started in 2015 that empowers busy, driven women of color to prioritize their mental health and self-care through journaling. Latonia is a highly-rated motivational self-care and wellness provider with over 15+ years of experience working with individuals, groups, and organizations as an educator and program facilitator. Latonia has been teaching, giving hope, and creating heart-centered experiences from The Best of Me Program, self-care retreats, and hosted events through the LWL “Mental Health Gym” Community. Her mission is to make it easier for women of color and faith to prioritize their mental health, to reconnect with themselves, be intentional with their life goals, and find healing through restorative journaling and self-care practices. Latonia’s, “The Best of Me” Empowerment Program, is licensed by well-established organizations that are leading women and young girls to discover who they are, acknowledge their self-worth, and build inner confidence to see beyond adversity and rewrite their lives with dignity. Latonia is an author of seven journals and has designed an empowerment clothing line to bring awareness to mental health and wellness for women.

In her many years of collective work, Latonia has been featured by media outlets, such as: Essence.com and Boston Voyager Magazine for her expertise in journaling and mental health. Her one-of-a-kind journaling art piece entitled, “I AM ANYA; Woman of Hope”, is a highlighted art piece selected by Janssen and Johnson & Johnson 2018 Campaign for the Champions of Science: The Art of Ending Stigma project. In 2019, Latonia opened the doors to her first property, The Anya House; A dedicated faith- based self-care retreat space for women. Latonia is highly sought after as a well-rounded entrepreneur and inspirational speaker, having been invited to speak at remarkable events such as PeaceLove Studios Storytellers Mental Health Conference. Latonia has led programs at respected organizations such as the Massachusetts Conference For Women, Ascentria Care Alliance: Ruth House of Brockton, The Well: A Center for Hope & Healing, Bentley University, Brandeis U., Bridgewater U., Tufts U., Massasoit CC, The Boys & Girls Club, Family Resource Center of Brockton, and more.

Latonia has graduated from Bentley University where she received her BS in Business Management and Information Design and Corporate Communications. Latonia is a businesswoman and a purpose-driven woman of faith. She is married to Herkins Francois, her high school sweetheart and is the proud mother of three awesome children. She resides in South Shore, MA. Driven by the lives she touches, Latonia leads Let’s Write Life with an affirmation of self-love as a gentle reminder that builds self-esteem and confidence for all audiences to never give up on themselves – or their dreams with these words: “You’re Worth Writing For. You always were. You always will be.” – Let’s Write Life.

To learn more about me and the work I do, feel free to visit my website: https://letswritelife.com/about/

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    1 h et 7 min
  • Unlocking Leadership Brilliance: Conversations with Dr. Bonnie Wilson
    May 16 2024

    More about Dr. Bonnie Wilson:

    Dr. Bonnie Wilson, using her bio: Dr. Bonnie Wilson is an internationally certified coach and the CEO of Xceeding the Mark Executive Coaching and Consulting. Xceeding the Mark works with successful executives who want to prepare for their next promotion and be ready to be part of the organization’s succession plan. Dr. Bonnie combines her experience as an Executive Director, Vice President, and Consultant, her transparency, and her compelling coaching style (sprinkled with well-placed humor) successfully coaching over 100 VPs, Senior Executives, and Directors across industries nationally. Dr. Bonnie’s clients consistently receive promotions with higher-than-expected salary increases based on departmental performance and significant improvements in their leadership skills. Follow her @xtm_drbonnie

    Talking points and pain points you could explore in the podcast/radio episode:

    Navigating Career Transitions: Discuss the challenges professionals face when transitioning to a new role or career path. Many struggle with uncertainty, fear of failure, and lack of clarity on their goals. Dr. Bonnie Wilson can share strategies for overcoming these obstacles and positioning oneself for success.

    Leadership Development: Dive into the importance of strong leadership in today's fast-paced and competitive business landscape. Dr. Bonnie Wilson can offer insights into developing essential leadership skills such as communication, decision-making, and emotional intelligence.

    The Role of Executive Coaching: Explore the benefits of executive coaching in unlocking potential and maximizing performance. Dr. Bonnie Wilson can shed light on how coaching can help individuals identify blind spots, set actionable goals, and accelerate their career growth.

    Breaking Through the Glass Ceiling: Address the unique challenges that women and minorities face in climbing the corporate ladder. Dr. Bonnie Wilson can share her expertise on how to overcome systemic barriers and thrive in leadership positions.

    Building a Personal Brand: Discuss the importance of personal branding in today's professional landscape. Dr. Bonnie Wilson can offer advice on how individuals can differentiate themselves, cultivate their online presence, and leverage social media for career advancement.

    Work-Life Balance: Explore the concept of work-life balance and its impact on career satisfaction and overall well-being. Dr. Bonnie Wilson can provide tips for professionals on how to effectively manage their time, set boundaries, and prioritize self-care.

    Resilience and Adaptability: In today's rapidly evolving business environment, resilience and adaptability are essential skills. Dr. Bonnie Wilson can share strategies for building resilience, embracing change, and thriving in the face of adversity.

    Measuring Success: Finally, discuss how individuals can define and measure success on their terms. Dr. Bonnie Wilson can help listeners shift their mindset from external validation to internal fulfillment, emphasizing the importance of aligning career goals with personal values.

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    1 h et 7 min
  • Unmasking Success: Navigating Mental Health in Entrepreneurship
    May 9 2024

    More about this episode's guest thekrissyferreira

    Krissy Ferreira, known as The Authority Coach is the CEO of Krissy & Co, Content Marketing Consultant, High Ticket Launch strategist, Speaker, and host of the Raise Your Authority™️ Podcast. She works with high-achieving women to show up and show out to become their client's only choice online while no longer being referred to as the " best kept secret" in their industry. After replacing her full-time income at the School Dept. and booking out her DFY social media agency services she decided to take her love of marketing and sales and start mentoring other service-based business owners. Krissy takes her 1:1 work very seriously and loves to be very involved in her client's businesses. She works with them closely on the front & behind the scenes of their businesses so she can fully support and help navigate them through the content marketing strategy they need to sell their offers using her Launch Your Authority™️ Framework.

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    1 h et 7 min
  • A conversation about Resilience and Wellness with Karima Mckenzie
    May 2 2024

    More about this episode guest:



    Karima Maryam McKenzie, the founder of Temples Are Sacred, is a woman of many talents and passions. As an entrepreneur, educator, and empowerment activist, she has dedicated her life to serving her community. Today, she is the Vice Principal at Henry Snyder High School, of Jersey City, New Jersey, the second largest public school district in the State of New Jersey. Over a decade, she has touched the lives of thousands of children as a math teacher, head coach, and senior-level administrator.

    She swiftly climbed the ranks, until September 2021, she suffered a mental breakdown, almost committed suicide and to a mental institution for 7 days. While in the hospital, she felt an overwhelming cloud of sadness, after looking at all of her accomplishments, yet still felt empty. At that very moment, she used her time in the hospital to write the book "Temples Are Sacred and So Are YOU" - written for the young reader who needs mentoring and guidance on the triumphs and trials of life. Karima's journey to wellness led her to found Touch and Agree Tendaji (T&AT) Solutions, an organization focused on the health and wellness of the community. But her mission didn't stop there. Reflecting on her own teenage years, Karima realized the importance of mentorship and guidance for teens and young adults navigating the complexities of life.

    She remembered her high school years filled with laughter, joy, and good times. But she also remembered the lack of guidance and mentorship during those formative years. This realization inspired her to write "Temples Are Sacred and So Are You," a guide for teens and young adults to refer to daily as they navigate their teenage years

    Temples Are Sacred was born out of Karima's desire to provide the mentorship she wished she had during her teenage years. The organization addresses the pain points of teens and young adults who are socially active but unprotected energetically, physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. It aims to help those who struggle with anger, lack healthy boundaries, communication skills, and emotional intelligence, and those who are disengaged, distracted, and emotionally unstable.

    Through Temples Are Sacred, Karima aims to foster self-awareness, motivate teens and young adults to exercise and incorporate body movement, teach effective meditation techniques, and help them connect their mind, body, and spirit. She strives to increase their courage and self-confidence and assist them in defining their core values.

    Karima's heartfelt mission is to let teens and young adults know just how special and sacred they are. Through Temples Are Sacred, she hopes to guide teens and young adults closer to becoming the best version of themselves.

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    1 h et 6 min
  • Unlocking Social Media Serenity: A Conversation with D4 the Great
    Apr 25 2024

    Tonight's talking points:

    1. **Comparison Syndrome**: Entrepreneurs often experience mental health challenges due to constant comparison with others on social media platforms. According to a study by The American Journal of Epidemiology, social comparison on platforms like Instagram can lead to increased feelings of depression and anxiety among users, including entrepreneurs. The pressure to measure up to seemingly successful peers can erode confidence and motivation.

    2. **Negative Feedback and Trolling**: Entrepreneurial endeavors often face criticism and negativity on social media, impacting mental well-being. Research by Pew Research Center indicates that 41% of Americans have experienced online harassment, which can include trolling, cyberbullying, and negative comments. Such interactions can undermine confidence and motivation, leading to self-doubt and anxiety.

    3. **FOMO (Fear of Missing Out)**: Social media feeds are curated highlight reels, often showcasing the best moments of others' entrepreneurial journeys. This constant exposure to success stories can exacerbate feelings of inadequacy and fear of missing out. According to a study published in Computers in Human Behavior, excessive social media use is linked to higher levels of FOMO, which can negatively impact mental health and motivation among entrepreneurs.

    4. **Pressure to Maintain Online Persona**: Entrepreneurs may feel pressure to maintain a flawless online persona, leading to authenticity concerns and increased stress. Research from the Journal of Marketing Research suggests that the pressure to appear perfect on social media can contribute to feelings of isolation and anxiety. Entrepreneurs may struggle to balance the portrayal of success with the reality of their business challenges, impacting mental well-being.

    5. **Overwhelm from Information Overload**: Social media inundates entrepreneurs with vast amounts of information, from industry news to competitor updates and marketing strategies. This constant influx of data can lead to information overload and decision fatigue, impacting confidence and motivation. A study published in the Journal of Information Science highlights how excessive social media consumption can lead to cognitive overload and decreased well-being, particularly among entrepreneurs juggling multiple responsibilities.

    These pain points are supported by various studies and reports, indicating the significant impact of social media on entrepreneurs' mental health, confidence, and motivation in their businesses.

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    1 h et 6 min
  • The power of Collaboration over Competition with Deana Jean
    Mar 28 2024

    Tonight's guest on Conversations with Coach LA is Deana Jean, Speaker & Business Strategist, her slogan is:

    "Bringing passion and process to every aspect of your life!"

    Get ready to be inspired! 🌟 Conversations with Coach LA welcomes Deana Jean, Speaker & Business Strategist, to the airwaves of UrbanHeat981FM. Join us as we explore the journey of a proud wife, mom of 3, and Breast Cancer Survivor who’s dedicated to fostering impactful relationships. Tune in on IheartRadio! #Inspiration #SuccessTribe #LifeBalance

    More about tonight's guest: Deana Jean is Your Collab Queen - a Brooklyn-born Master Connector & Business Strategist with over 15 years of Sales & Executive Leadership experience.

    She’s also a proud wife, mom of 3 & Breast Cancer Survivor.

    Through The Success Tribe Network Deana brings diverse Experts and organizations together to foster relationships that grow and scale their impact through innovative ideas and valuable intros. Learn more https://thesuccesstribe.com Follow @yourcollabqueen

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    1 h et 6 min
  • Empowering Creativity: A Conversation with Mrs. Cookie Gamble
    Mar 21 2024

    In this episode of Conversations with Coach LA, Coach welcomes the incredible Mrs. Cookie Gamble to the virtual couch! Get ready for an inspiring conversation about art, purpose, and empowerment. You won't want to miss this insightful discussion!

    More about tonight's guest:

    Mrs. Cookie Gamble is a professional Singer, Songwriter, Poet, Actress, and Director of Education of arts & performance. As a creative director, Mrs. Cookie assists creatives with the cultivation and discovery of their gifts and talents, helping them build from a firm foundation of understanding their Identity and their why! Mrs. Gamble has a heart for educating youth and young adults and has served her community for years as a Teen Director and mentor.

    Website: cookiegamble.com

    Mrs. Cookie is the CEO of KINGDOM ESSENTIAL WORKERS LLC where she provides Education services and Artist development for creatives like Singers, Poets, Rappers, Public Speakers and songwriters!

    Website: Kingdomessentialworkers.com

    As an empowerment coach, Cookie assists people with getting out of their own way (fear, nervousness, self-sabotage) etc. Cookie is extremely passionate about helping others discover their why, push past barriers and blossom into purpose! Her newly released vision workbook is titled: NO MORE EXCUSES: CONQUERING THE ENEMY INNER ME! Available on Amazon (in two weeks).

    Author: Cookie Gamble

    God Is a Poet: Poetic Prophecies, Revelation & Exaltation

    Available on Amazon

    Host and founder of THE PLAITFORM PODCAST (on Spotify and Youtube)

    Pronounced PLAT-FORM





    Occupational Background: Behavioral and Mental Health/Social Services field.

    Christian Mental Health Coach (American Association of Christian Counselors).

    Cookie has toured and worked with noted actors, artists and producers like David Foster, Pattie Labelle, Jessica Simpson, Dr. Dre, Jamie Foxx & Usher just to name a few.

    Overall: A wife, friend, Educator, daughter, purpose pusher and follower of Christ.

    Standards, principles, boundaries, morals, values, a solid foundation and good character are non-negotiable.

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    1 h et 7 min
  • Bridging Health and Business Equity: A Conversation with Jessica Lynne
    Mar 14 2024

    This week on "Conversations with Coach LA," we're honored to welcome Jessica Lynne, a trailblazer in healthcare administration and the owner of JLW Medical Management Consulting. Tune in to Urban Heat 98.1FM on iHeartRadio this Sunday, March 11th, at 10 pm, for an inspiring and thought-provoking discussion.

    Jessica Lynne brings to the table over 16 years of invaluable experience in healthcare administration and management, along with her current pursuit of a master's degree in Public Health and Health Law at Northeastern University. Her dedication to facilitating access to crucial resources for underprivileged individuals and families showcases her deep commitment to societal well-being. Jessica's primary focus is on enlightening her clients about the vital connection between health equity and business equity, providing them with strategic insights to navigate and surmount the challenges facing their patient communities.

    As a former committee member and chair of the Fair Housing Commission, Jessica has demonstrated an unwavering dedication to advocacy, developing strategies to alleviate hardships for residents. Her courageous leadership and passion for advocating for the mental health community stem from personal experiences, empowering her to effectively address and support the needs of those in distress.

    Join Coach LA and Jessica Lynne as they delve into the importance of understanding and fostering the relationship between health equity and business equity. Discover the transformative strategies that can uplift patient communities, learn about the challenges and opportunities within healthcare management, and get inspired by Jessica's journey of advocacy, education, and leadership.

    This episode promises to be more than just a conversation; it's a call to action for all of us to contribute towards a more equitable and healthy future. Whether you're a healthcare professional, a business leader, or someone passionate about making a difference, there's something in this discussion for you.

    Don't miss out on this enlightening conversation, and remember to engage with us! Share your thoughts, questions, and stories on how health equity impacts your community. Let's come together to empower and overcome.

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    1 h et 6 min