
  • How Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) Can Develop Self-Compassion
    May 30 2024

    Esther Kane is a psychotherapist who specializes in helping Highly Sensitive People (or HSPs) become all that they dream of being. In this short talk, she points towards the fact that as HSPs, we are highly skilled at extending compassion towards others, but often fail to extend it towards ourselves. She ends with guiding you through a short meditation, which will help you develop the beginnings of self-compassion.

    Blog post and self-compassion practises mentioned:


    FREE resources:

    To learn more about the Highly Sensitive Personality:


    To read a whole lot of articles I've written on Highly Sensitive People, click on this page:


    To receive my FREE report designed to help HSPs create better boundaries called, "10 Tips for Getting Rid of Relationships That Drain Your Energy", click here:


    Please don’t forget to subscribe to this channel, give it a great review if you enjoyed it and pass episodes on to others who could also benefit from them.

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    3 min
  • How HSPs Can Work Through Anger and Release it Safely
    May 29 2024

    Esther Kane is a psychotherapist who specializes in helping highly sensitive people (or HSPs) become all that they dream of being. In this short talk, she discusses why and how our anger can be harmful to ourselves. She explains how high sensitivity and introversion contribute to the internalization of emotions and how shoving our feelings down can cause many health problems such as depression and anxiety

    Book Mentioned:

    The Myth of Normal by Gabor Mate

    Green Thera-Band in video:


    FREE resources:

    To learn more about the Highly Sensitive Personality:


    To read a whole lot of articles I've written on Highly Sensitive People, click on this page:


    To receive my FREE report designed to help HSPs create better boundaries called, "10 Tips for Getting Rid of Relationships That Drain Your Energy", click here:


    Please don’t forget to subscribe to this channel, give it a great review if you enjoyed it and pass episodes on to others who could also benefit from them.

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    8 min
  • HSPs and Psychotherapy: A Perfect Match
    May 29 2024

    Esther Kane is a psychotherapist who specializes in helping highly sensitive people (or HSPs) become all that they dream of being. In this short talk, she shares her reflections on why HSPs do so well in psychotherapy and are every therapist's dream to work with.

    FREE resources:

    To learn more about the Highly Sensitive Personality:


    To read a whole lot of articles I've written on Highly Sensitive People, click on this page:


    To receive my FREE report designed to help HSPs create better boundaries called, "10 Tips for Getting Rid of Relationships That Drain Your Energy", click here:


    Please don’t forget to subscribe to this channel, give it a great review if you enjoyed it and pass episodes on to others who could also benefit from them.

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    5 min
  • How to Become 'Inwardly Outrageous'
    May 29 2024

    Esther Kane is a psychotherapist who specializes in helping Highly Sensitive People (or HSPs) discusses the concept called 'being inwardly outrageous' by SARK and encourages HSPs everywhere to try it out for themselves.

    Where to find SARK and her fabulous books:


    To check out Esther's outrageous shoe collection and to find some fun shoes for yourself:


    FREE resources:

    To learn more about the Highly Sensitive Personality:


    To read a whole lot of articles I've written on Highly Sensitive People, click on this page:


    To receive my FREE report designed to help HSPs create better boundaries called, "10 Tips for Getting Rid of Relationships That Drain Your Energy", click here:


    Please don’t forget to subscribe to this channel, give it a great review if you enjoyed it and pass episodes on to others who could also benefit from them.

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    4 min
  • HSPs and physical illness
    May 28 2024

    Esther Kane, a psychotherapist who specializes in helping highly sensitive people (or HSPs) shares tips for how we can lessen anxiety around being physically sick. She talks about how she has made peace with having seasonal allergies through exposure therapy and cognitive behavioural therapy and gives some affirmations which lower anxiety.

    FREE resources:

    To learn more about the Highly Sensitive Personality:


    To read a whole lot of articles I've written on Highly Sensitive People, click on this page:


    To receive my FREE report designed to help HSPs create better boundaries called, "10 Tips for Getting Rid of Relationships That Drain Your Energy", click here:


    Please don’t forget to subscribe to this channel and give it a great review if you really enjoyed it and pass episodes on to others who could also benefit from them.

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    4 min
  • How do I learn to trust my body as an HSP?
    May 28 2024

    As a highly sensitive person, do you feel like the odd one out for being different than other people? What if you could learn to reframe your sensitivity as a superpower instead of being mean to yourself? Listen to this short talk to learn some easy and incredibly effective tools which will help you transform how you view yourself and empower you to step out as the amazing super-person you are.

    FREE resources:

    How to Increase Your Self-Compassion:


    To learn more about the Highly Sensitive Personality:


    To read a whole lot of articles I've written on Highly Sensitive People, click on this page:


    To receive my FREE report designed to help HSPs create better boundaries called, "10 Tips for Getting Rid of Relationships That Drain Your Energy", click here:


    Please don’t forget to subscribe to this channel, and give it a great review if you really enjoyed it and pass episodes on to others who could also benefit from them. Thanks!

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    6 min
  • Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) and boundary setting
    May 28 2024

    As a highly sensitive person, do you feel like the odd one out for being different than other people? What if you could learn to reframe your sensitivity as a superpower instead of being mean to yourself? Listen to this short talk to learn some easy and incredibly effective tools which will help you transform how you view yourself and empower you to step out as the amazing super-person you are.

    FREE resources:

    How to Increase Your Self-Compassion:


    To learn more about the Highly Sensitive Personality:


    To read a whole lot of articles I've written on Highly Sensitive People, click on this page:


    To receive my FREE report designed to help HSPs create better boundaries called, "10 Tips for Getting Rid of Relationships That Drain Your Energy", click here:


    Please don’t forget to subscribe to this channel, click the 'like' button, give it a great review if you really enjoyed it and pass episodes on to others who could also benefit from them. Thanks!

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    9 min
  • How HSPs Can Feel More in Control of Their Lives
    May 28 2024

    As a highly sensitive person, do you feel like you are less in charge of your life than you'd like to be? What if there was a way to learn to be the 'driver of the bus' that is your one precious life? Listen to this short talk to learn more about how to take your power back.

    Author of book mentioned, The Body Keeps the Score is Bessel van ver Kolk:


    Creator of Somatic Experiencing is Peter Levine:


    FREE resources:

    To learn more about the Highly Sensitive Personality:


    To read a whole lot of articles I've written on Highly Sensitive People, click on this page:


    To receive my FREE report designed to help HSPs create better boundaries called, "10 Tips for Getting Rid of Relationships That Drain Your Energy", click here:


    Please don’t forget to subscribe to this channel, give it a great review if you really enjoy it and pass episodes on to others who could also benefit from them.

    Afficher plus Afficher moins
    6 min