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Couverture de You Can't Touch My Hair

You Can't Touch My Hair

De : Phoebe Robinson, Jessica Williams - foreword
Lu par : Phoebe Robinson, John Hodgman
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    A New York Times Best Seller

    "A must-read...Phoebe Robinson discusses race and feminism in such a funny, real, and specific way, it penetrates your brain and stays with you." (Ilana Glazer, cocreator and costar of Broad City)

    A hilarious and timely essay collection about race, gender, and pop culture from upcoming comedy superstar and 2 Dope Queens podcaster Phoebe Robinson

    Being a black woman in America means contending with old prejudices and fresh absurdities every day. Comedian Phoebe Robinson has experienced her fair share over the years: She's been unceremoniously relegated to the role of "the black friend", as if she is somehow the authority on all things racial; she's been questioned about her love of U2 and Billy Joel ("isn't that...white people music?"); she's been called "uppity" for having an opinion in the workplace; she's been followed around stores by security guards; and yes, people do ask her whether they can touch her hair all. The. Time. Now she's ready to take these topics to audio - and she's going to make you laugh as she's doing it.

    Using her trademark wit alongside pop-culture references galore, Robinson explores everything from why Lisa Bonet is "Queen. Bae. Jesus" to breaking down the terrible nature of casting calls to giving her less-than-traditional advice to the future female president and demanding that the NFL clean up its act, all told in the same conversational voice that launched her podcast, 2 Dope Queens, to the top spot on iTunes. As personal as it is political, You Can't Touch My Hair examines our cultural climate and skewers our biases with humor and heart, announcing Robinson as a writer on the rise.

    One of Glamour's "Top 10 Books of 2016"
    Featured on Refinery 29's list of "The Best Books of 2016 So Far"

    Read by the author, and featuring additional narration by Jessica Williams and John Hodgson

    ©2016 Phoebe Robinson (P)2016 Penguin Audio


    Featured in NPR Weekend Edition, New York Magazine, Refinery 29, and Cosmo

    “A must-read.... Phoebe Robinson discusses race and feminism in such a funny, real, and specific way, it penetrates your brain and stays with you.” (Ilana Glazer, co-creator and costar of Broad City)

    “Phoebe Robinson has a way of casually, candidly rough-housing with tough topics like race and sex and gender that makes you feel a little safer and a lot less alone. If something as wise and funny as You Can't Touch My Hair exists in the world, we can't all be doomed. Phoebe is my hero and this book is my wife.” (Lindy West, New York Times best-selling author of Shrill)

    You Can't Touch My Hair is the book we need right now. Robinson makes us think about race and feminism in new ways, thanks to her whip-smart comedy and expert use of a pop culture reference. The future is very bright because Robinson and her book are in it.” (Jill Soloway, creator of Transparent)

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