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Couverture de Writable: Self-Publishing Simplified

Writable: Self-Publishing Simplified

De : Nick Vulich
Lu par : Sonny Dufault
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    Writing a book isn't easy. It seems like there are always problems. Something else you have to do. And, just when you think you are done, that's when the real work begins. You need to edit your book. You need to find beta readers, line up reviewers, set up promos. You know what I mean. The list seems to go on forever. Are you having trouble picking the topic for your book? Maybe you finished writing your book, but you have questions about the mechanics of how to list it on Amazon. How do you write a compelling description? How do you know you've got the right cover? What are keywords anyway, and why do they matter? Have you just published a new book to the Kindle store, and found yourself wondering what's next? You aren't alone.

    Publishing your first book or even your tenth book on Kindle is a daunting task. As an Indie author, you are going it alone or with limited help. That means everything about your book is left up to you. You need to choose a topic that's going to sell; write a compelling story that keeps readers flipping the pages; make sure it gets properly edited - typo free, formatted for a variety of Kindle devices and other e-readers. And, then, there's the matter of creating book covers, writing descriptions, choosing keywords, and let's not forget about getting reviews. Being an Indie Author can be scary at times. That's what this book is all about - helping you move through the maze of publishing your book and getting it discovered on Kindle, Audible, CreateSpace, Nook, Kobo, Apple, and more.

    ©2014, 2017 Nick Vulich (P)2017 Nicholas L Vulich

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